Magnet Academy Information

Greenville County Schools offers a Select Schools Program that includes eleven magnet academies of accelerated learning. The academic program of each magnet academy offers a theme or focus that is designed to give students an opportunity to explore a special interest, gift, talent or skill. The magnet academies are designed to meet the following district goals:

  • Offer unique educational choices for students
  • Provide a unique or specialized curriculum or educational approach
  • Improve achievement for all students participating in the magnet program
  • Promote and maintain diversity

These schools attract top students and talented teachers who bring innovative ideas to the classroom. Teachers are chosen based on their academic preparation, professional experience, and specialized skills.

The Board of Trustees and School District Administration are committed to the success of the Select Schools Program. Additional funding is allocated to Select Schools to meet their personnel, instructional, and staff development needs.

Apply to Attend a Magnet Academy

Magnet applications will be available via GCS Parent Backpack during specified windows of time stated in the Application Round Schedule Paper-based applications are available by request from individual magnet academies. Please visit the Magnet Academy FAQs (updated soon) for information about how applications are scored and processed.

Parent Backpack Directions: To access the online magnet application, parents should login into their Parent Backpack account. Parents of students outside of Greenville County Schools can create a new user account. Once logged into Parent Backpack, select "Programs" from the column on the left. Then select "Apply to a Program." Available programs will show on the screen. Select "Apply" beside Magnet Academies to begin the application process.

**Parents will be able to apply for multiple magnet academies within the same online application, but they will only be able to submit the magnet application once. Parents should make sure to select all schools for which their student desires to apply and complete all sections of the application before selecting submit.**

Admission into magnet academies is open to all eligible students, but spaces are limited. Students may apply to more than one magnet academy. Applications are scored based on three criteria: attendance, discipline, and academic performance. Students who apply and qualify during the first application round have a greater chance of being offered a slot than those students who apply and qualify in later rounds.

Siblings of magnet students who will return the following school year to the school have priority of acceptance in Round 1. If magnet slots are available after all siblings who have qualified are placed, non-siblings will be accepted beginning with the highest to the lowest qualifying scores until the school’s assigned magnet slots have been filled. A lottery system is used when there are more qualifying students than available slots. Qualifying students not selected for a magnet academy are placed on a waiting list.

Magnet Academies Logo

Greenville County Magnet Academies - Elementary

Blythe Academy

Magnet students at Blythe Academy of Languages participate in the partial immersion program and learn math science, and health in either French or Spanish. They also develop communicative competence in the language. In addition, students are challenged daily to reach their highest potential in the comprehensive elementary curricula.

East North Street Academy

With an emphasis on environmental studies, students at East North Street Academy of Mathematics and Science engage in the in-depth study of four quarterly sub-topics that are common to all grade levels: Forestry, Natural Resources, Energy & Society, and Weather. Students participate in engaging, real-world experiences through outdoor classrooms, local expertise, and hands-on lab experiments, guided by local experts and practitioners.

Stone Academy

Stone Academy of Communication Arts offers a rigorous scholastic curriculum. Arts-integrated classes are enriched by individual instruction in art, music, drama, dance, and physical education. The academy also offers an Encore after-school program, specialty companies (Stone Singers, Dance Ensemble, Play Production, and Jumpstart News), and arts-based club activities.

Greenville County Magnet Academies - Middle

Beck International Academy

Beck International Academy's Program offers a comprehensive instructional program that emphasizes student-centered inquiry and instruction, mastery of eight required subjects, and second language proficiency. Students develop strong problem-solving, critical thinking, and study skills, and learn how to learn. Students are also actively engaged in community and service.

Greenville Middle Academy

Greenville Middle Academy of Global and Traditional Studies offers a rigorous academic program which emphasizes writing, reading, and vocabulary development across the curriculum. The program is designed to develop expressive and reflective readers and writers. Topics, issues, and themes of global significance are integrated in every subject area and grade level.

Hughes Academy

Hughes Academy of Science and Technology is dedicated to enriching and enhancing students’ academic achievement. Students are engaged in conversations with medical professionals and scientists weekly through science and physical education classes. The Spanish Immersion Transition program provides students a variety of opportunities to increase their awareness of the language and culture through speaking, reading, listening, and writing.

League Academy

League Academy of Communication Arts offers a rigorous academic program with a unique communication arts focus. Electives include special courses that provide opportunities for students to learn about a variety of art forms and to pursue at least one art form in depth through advanced offerings. Additionally, the arts and technology are used as powerful tools to enrich and connect learning across all areas of the curriculum.

Greenville County Magnet Academies - High

Carolina High School

Carolina High School and Academy of Engineering and Health Professions is the school where tradition meets technology. Computers and Promethean smart boards in every classroom provide state-of-the-art tools. A rigorous academic curriculum, including Advanced Placement and honors courses, provides sound preparation for college and work while exploring students' interests in engineering and health/medicine. A two-year degree program, in conjunction with Greenville Tech, allows students to earn an Associates of Arts or Science degree while at Carolina High Academy.

Greenville Senior High

Greenville Senior High Academy of Law, Finance, and Business offers broad exposure to the student's chosen magnet strand through an in-depth study of various topics and engagement in problem-based learning activities that extend students' understanding of legal, finance and business issues and concepts in the 21st century. While engaging in activities such as Mock Trial, Business Marketing, and Entrepreneurship students develop a better understanding of their field of study and are better prepared to serve the community.

J. L. Mann High School

J. L. Mann High School Academy of Mathematics, Science, and Technology offers a rigorous academic program that connects the study of math, science and technology to all areas of learning. All magnet students engage in meaningful and in-depth learning experiences, including project-based instruction, traditional instruction, dual-credit courses, Advanced Placement courses, and a capstone experience than can include a senior project, an internship, or other experiences outlined on the school website. The variety of instructional approaches provides opportunities to participate in stimulating activities that require them to think and problem-solve. They develop the knowledge, understanding and skills that will prepare them well for college and the world of work.

Southside High

Southside High International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Diploma Programs offers the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program in grades 9-10 and the Diploma Program in grades 11-12. Both programs emphasize critical thinking, intercultural understanding, and exposure to a variety of points of view. Diploma Program students take coursework in six different subject areas that reflect a blend of breadth and specialization, complete an in-depth research paper, take a Theory of Knowledge philosophy course, and engage in community and service projects. The IB program leads to advanced standing and college credits at the world's finest colleges and universities.

Quality Assurances

Curriculum meets or exceeds all requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Defined Minimum Program for South Carolina School Districts, and Greenville County Schools.

Minutes of instruction for all core courses meet or exceed requirements. Assessment of student achievement complies with state and school district standards. Schools staffs participate in focused staff development based on the school’s curriculum to ensure all basic curricular requirements and standards are integrated in the school’s instructional program.