2024-25 Profile*

Hughes Academy
122 DeOyley Ave.
Greenville , SC 29605
Telephone: (864) 355-6200
Fax: (864) 355-6275
Grades: 6th - 8th Grades
Enrollment: 997
School Location: One mile north of 1-85 and Augusta Road intersection
Principal: Adrian Mayes
Email: amayes@greenville.k12.sc.us
Awards and Honors
- Jr. Beta Club School of Merit, Leadership, and Distinction
- First place in Advertising Design and Poetry for Jr. Beta Club at the State Convention
- State President of Jr. Beta Club
- Elite Eight and Final Four for Battle of the Brains
- Top 5 schools and top 8 students at MathCounts
- State Champion for the American Scholastic Competition
- 5 National Board Certified Teachers
- Robotics Competition Winner
- Outstanding Delegation at Youth in Government
- SC Junior Scholars/Duke TIP Scholars
- Placed in Math Counts Competition
- PTSA School of Excellence
- PTSA Middle Finalist in Enrichment Programs
- PTSA Middle Winner in Legislative Advocacy
- PTSA Middle finalist in Student Involvement
- PTSA Middle Winner in Communication
- PTSA Outstanding Administrator of the Year Finalist
- PTSA Outstanding Support Staff of the Year Finalist
- PTSA Outstanding Teacher of the Year - Middle School Winner
- PTSA Outstanding Local Unit of the Year Winner

For a closer look...
For more in-depth information on this school including programs, course offerings, extracurricular activities, and more - visit www.greenville.k12.sc.us/hughes/
If you would like information about the School Report Card rating, visit the State Department of Education Website, screportcards.com.
For more information, call INFOLine at 864-355-3100, visit our website at www.greenville.k12.sc.us.
100% Technology-Equipped Classrooms • Technology Wing (3 computer labs, including a graphics lab and a News Room) • Related Arts Wing (band, visual arts, music, strings) • Gateway to Technology (2 classrooms with computer labs and innovation space) • Media Center with maker space • Administrative Offices • Cafetorium • Gymnasium • Fitness Lab • Separate Grade Level wings within the building • Fully monitored building with an 86 camera system • Softball/football/soccer field • Paved track, tennis, and basketball courts • 1 class set of iPads • 1:1 Chromebooks • 13 3D Printers • Brother GT 361 Screen Printing Machine • 6 Canon Vixia Video Cameras • 4 Monopods • ARG Interpreting system
Faculty Profile
- Administrators: 3
- Teachers/Professional Staff: 70
- Support Staff: 27
Outstanding Features/Programs
- Magnet School for Science, Technology, and Spanish Partial Immersion
- STEAM focused Units (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)
- Only Spanish Partial Immersion Program at the middle school level in the district where students can earn two honors level high school credits by the end of 8th grade
- Three levels of math instruction at all three grade levels
- Challenge Language Arts Program for Gifted and Talented Students
- Algebra 1 Honors, Geometry Honors, English 1 Honors, Spanish 1and 2, Art 1, Performing Arts, Computer Science Discoveries, and Graphic Arts offered for high school credit
- Gateway to Technology classes using the Project Lead the Way curriculum
- Duke TIP Program identifies students to take the SAT/ACT in 7th Grade
- Junior Scholars identified to take the PSAT in 8th Grade
- Video Game Programming Class for 7th and 8th Grade
- Mobile Applications Programming Class for 8th Grade
- Electronic Music Class for 7th and 8th Grade
- Yearbook Class
- Service Learning Class
- MathCounts Class
- Participation in the National Math Competitions
- News Show produced, directed and broadcast by students
- Band, Strings, Music, and Art
- Sports such as basketball, baseball, and soccer for boys, and volleyball, basketball, and softball for girls
- Student Mentoring Program through Mentor Upstate
- Chaperoned school dances
- Media Center with over 12,000 books for student checkout
- Clubs- Model United Nations, Youth in Government, Anime Club, Student Council, Robotics Club, Drama Club, Heart and Sole Running Club, Drama Club, Spanish Club, 7th and 8th Grade Junior Beta Club, Random Acts of Kindness Club, IMPACT, FEARLESS, Chess Club, Speech and Debate Club, and Ecology Club, Cooking, STEM for Girls, Lit Lunch, and Manga Club