Special Education Services
Special Education Services of Greenville County Schools provides a free appropriate public education to all children with disabilities in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Special education students are served by a faculty and staff of over 800 teachers, therapists and other specialists who are trained to provide state-of-the-art instruction and assistance designed to meet individual needs of children identified as having disabilities.
Greenville special educators comprise a cohesive team of professionals who work collaboratively and individually to address the unique learning needs of students who qualify for services.
The mission of Special Education Services is to help schools and families educate students with disabilities.
Caregiver Support Opportunities
- GCS Parent Academy Training - Navigating Special Education | Register
- GCS Capacitación de la Academia para padres - Navegacion en Educación Especial | Registro
- Family Training & Support Services Study Flyer - Do you want help managing your child's difficult behaviors or teaching them life skills?
Opportunities from Family Connection
Categories of Disability and Services
Definitions of Special Education Classifications
- Autism
- Deafness
- Deaf-Blindness
- Hearing Impairment
- Intellectual Disability
- Developmental Delay
- Multiple Disabilities
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Other Health Impairment
- Emotional Disturbance
- Specific Learning Disability
- Speech or Language Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Visual Impairment, including Blindness
Parent Handbook to Special Education (Manual de Educación Especial Para Padres) - Your rights as parents regarding Special Education (Full Explanation of Procedural Safeguards)
Early Childhood Intervention Services
Research and experience clearly document that children with disabilities benefit most when identified and served early in life. The School District of Greenville County demonstrates a commitment to a good start for our very youngest children by providing comprehensive early childhood identification and intervention services beginning at 2 1/2 years. The district Child Find initiative elicits referrals from parents, community agencies, health care providers and nursery and preschool teachers.
Least Restrictive Environment
We are committed to educating disabled students in general classes to the maximum extent appropriate. School multidisciplinary teams give careful consideration to the design and implementation of effective Individual Education Programs. In addition, the district provides a full continuum of special education program models:
- Consultative
- Itinerant
- General Class with Support Services
- Resource/Separate Continuum
- Self-Contained Classes
- Special Schools
- Medical Homebound
- Hospital
- Residential
Please visit the District’s parent resources page for additional contacts, resources and information.
Here is our list of other helpful web sites for additional resources and information.
Record requests must be submitted per the requirements listed below.
Record Requests from In District and Out of District Schools:
For current student, who has enrolled or intends to enroll in a school inside or outside of Greenville County Schools, a record request must be submitted to last school attended. Requests maybe submitted by mail, fax or email to the applicable school’s Records Clerk. School-to-school requests do not require a parent signature.
Records Requests and Agencies:
Request must be on letterhead, contain the agency, school or school district name, contact information and what specific records are requested. Outside agencies must also include a signed release from the student if 18 years of age or older or from the parent/guardian if under 18 years of age.
Parents/Students: Submit Record/Transcript Request form with a copy of a government issued photo ID and applicable fee (see below).
Special Education Archives
If student has graduated or has been withdrawn from school for more than one year, then requests must be submitted to the attention of Special Education Archives, by fax to 864-355-9830, or by email to (
Special Education Records Requests: Please submit Special Education records requests to the attention of Special Education Archives by fax at 864-355-9830, or by email to (
Greenville County Schools may charge a fee of $5.00 for each request. An additional 0.10 cents per page charge will be applied after 50 pages. Fees do not apply to school-to-school requests or for current students who have enrolled or intend to enroll in a school outside of Greenville County Schools.
Join Us
We currently have Special Education job openings -- Come Join our Team
Special Education District Administrative Contacts
Traci Hogan
Assistant Superintendent for Special Education Services
Special Education Records Requests: Please submit Special Education records requests to the attention of Special Education Archives by fax at 864-355-9830, or by email to (
Contact Us - 864-452-0000
Tracy Burns
Director of Secondary Special Education Program Supports
Teshia Hair
Director of Compliance, Monitoring Accountability
Jason Mullis
Director of Psychological Services
Peggy Neel
Director of Speech Services
Angie Phillips
Director of Elementary Special Education Program Supports
Gaia Phillips
Director of Related Services, Program Support & Integration
Dr. Courtney A. Russo
Laura Stanton
Technology Facilitator
Erica Urban
Preschool Coordinator
Diane White
District 504 Coordinator/Compliance Specialist