International Day 2025
International Day will be held March 13, 2025. We need your help! Does your family originate from a European or African country? Are you available to share your home culture with our students and staff? Please sign up to help on the Google Form!
Reminder to students the Beck Reads program ends in January. Please make sure all Beck Reads book forms have been submitted to earn your reading rewards.
Spring Sports
7th and 8th graders interested in playing Beck Softball should complete the interest survey.
Tryouts for Spring Sports will begin on February 10.
7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing Lacrosse for JL Mann please email Mr. Spitzmiller,
Memories last forever in a yearbook. Visit the following link to reserve your Beck 2024-2025 yearbook today.
8th grade Parents/Guardians that would like to purchase a recognition ad, the deadline is Friday, February 7, 2025, you may do so by selecting the button below. Thank you for supporting our yearbook program and helping us make this year’s edition truly special for our 8th graders!
Order an 8th grade Recognition Ad
Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars
Entering your child in the Reading All-Stars challenge is EASY! To complete the program, Middle School Students must read 500 pages in the 5-week time period. Complete the reading log, and return it no later than February 14, 2025. If you cannot print a reading log, check with your ELA teacher or the media center for further assistance.
Dates: January 13, 2025 -February 14, 2025
Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars Informational Flyer
Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars Website
Access Testing for Multilingual Students 2025
Testing Window January 21- March 7, 2025 with Mrs. Dina Davis
There are 4 testing domains: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking
Order Picture Day Pictures
Please visit the Photoday Gallery to view and order pictures from our original or makeup picture days. For questions and/or assistance please contact LifeTouch Customer Service at (877) 791-1676
2024-2025 Field Trips
**Update*** 8th-grade field trip to Chattanooga
Dear Parents,
We wanted to inform you about a change to the 8th-grade field trip. Due to recent hurricane damage impacting bus travel to Pigeon Forge, we have made adjustments to our trip destination. To keep our two-day trip format and pricing within budget, our tour company has helped us plan a new experience for our students.
Please view the updated trip information and sign-up link below. If you would prefer not to attend the revised trip, refund details are also included in the link. Since space is limited, we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible.
We’re excited to make new memories with our 8th-grade students and look forward to a wonderful trip!
8th Grade Chattanooga Field Trip Details and Booking
Art Club
Interested in joining Art Club? Art Club is open to all students!
Third Friday of every month: 1/17, 2/21, 5/16 To sign up email Ms. Steller Grey for directions.
Cell Phone Policy Updates
Due to a legislative action by the South Carolina General Assembly, the South Carolina State Board of Education passed a new cell phone policy for school districts across the state, which goes into effect after Winter Break, starting January 7, 2025. School districts must adopt this policy pertaining to personal electronic devices. At the December meeting, the Greenville County Schools Board of Trustees approved an updated policy to comply with the state requirement. The revisions can be found in Cell Phone Policy JCDA and Administrative Rule JCDA.
Want to make a difference in our school? Sign Up to Volunteer!
School Visitor and Volunteer Guidelines
Joint Message - GCS and Sheriff's Office
The Greenville County Schools Superintendent Dr. Burke Royster and Greenville County Sheriff Hobart Lewis ask for parents’ help in ensuring effective reporting of potential threats. Full Announcement