2024-25 Profile*

Beck International Academy
901 Woodruff Road
Greenville , SC 29607
Telephone: (864) 355-1400
Fax: (864) 355-1490
Grades: 6th - 8th Grades
Enrollment: 847
School Location: Near Roper Mountain Science Center
Principal: Jennifer Meisten
Email: jmeisten@greenville.k12.sc.us
Awards and Honors
- SC PTSA Principal of the Year
- State and National PTA School of Excellence
- PTSA State Teacher of the Year
- PTSA State Support Staff of the Year
- PTSA Community Award
- PTSA State Communication Award-Electronic Newsletter
- SCPTA Membership Award- First school recognized for 100% Membership
- Palmetto Gold and Silver Awards
- Excellent Report Card Rating 2013-2014
- Federal Accountability Rating-B
- PTSA Reflections Winners
- SC Junior Scholars/Duke TIP Scholars
- Robotics Competition Winners
- Youth and Government Honors
- All State Regional and County Orchestra and Band Winners
- Superior and Excellent Concert Festival Ratings
- United Way Campaign Award
- Conference and District Champions in All Sport

For a closer look...
For more in-depth information on this school including programs, course offerings, extracurricular activities, and more - visit www.greenville.k12.sc.us/beck/
If you would like information about the School Report Card rating, visit the State Department of Education Website, screportcards.com.
For more information, call INFOLine at 864-355-3100, visit our website at www.greenville.k12.sc.us.
*Note: School Information is Revised Annually by October 15.
- First-class facility constructed in 2006
- Handicap Accessible throughout the School
- GTT State of the Art Lab
- 7 Science Labs
- Maker Space Lab
- Cafetorium
- Art Studio with Kiln Room
- Excellent Athletic Fields
- Tennis Court
- Band and Strings Rooms
Faculty Profile
- Administrators: 4
- Teachers/Professional Staff: 60
- Support Staff: 32
Outstanding Features/Programs
- Magnet program focusing on International Relations and Global Citizenship
- Student Led Conferences
- Community Service Learning
- Carnegie Math Learning
- Writing Upstate College, Career Ready Writer’s Program
- Recognized as a Special Education Unified School
- Student Mentors for Adaptive P.E. and Adaptive Art Classes where students serve as mentors for Special Needs Students
- Educational Support and Intervention for Students at risk
- Three Different Levels of Math Instruction at all three Grade Levels
- High School Credit Classes: Algebra I Honors, Geometry Honors, English I Honors, Spanish I, Spanish II, French I, French II, Google Basics, Multimedia Basics, Computer Apps, Google Basics, Computer Science
- Gifted and Talented Classes
- Gateway to Technology Program of Studies
- Fine Arts Studies in Art, Strings, Band, Chorus and Drama
- National Junior BETA Club
- Math Counts Club
- Youth in Government Team
- Model UN
- Creative Writing Club
- Robotics Team
- Yearbook Class
- Student Council
- Extracurricular Sports include: Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, and Cheerleading
- Parent Communication through weekly phone blast, PTSA E- News, school info app, emails, and teacher websites
- After School Program and One to One Tutoring
- Summer Jump Start Program
- Student Incentive Programs include:
- Marvelous Mondays
- Community in Service Learning
- Attendance and Grade Level Incentives
- Quarterly Incentive Assemblies
- Beck Blue Knight Roundtable
- Comprehensive Guidance Services include:
- Parent Education Series
- Small Group Counseling
- Bully Prevention Program
- Career Assessments and Activities
- Graduation Plus Plans
- Partnership with UPSTATE Mentor
- Monthly Student Based Fundraisers to Target Local Charities
- Bob’s Backpacks
- Business Partnerships include:
- Michelin YES
- Summers Orthodontics
- Children’s Museum
- WYFF Weather Tracker