Upcoming Events

See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.

News & Notes

Reporting Social Media Threats

Reporting Social Media Threats The Greenville County Schools Superintendent Dr. Burker Royster and Greenville County Sheriff Hobart Lewis ask for parents' help in ensuring effective reporting of potential threats. 

The Superintendent and Sheriff ask parents to monitor your child's social media accounts closely, help control the spread of false threats and misinformation, and ensure effective reporting occurs. Having your child follow the See Something, Say Something protocols by reporting potential threats directly to the school or law enforcement will maximize the effective use of both school and law enforcement resources and ultimately create a safer environment for all students. 

 El Superintendente de las Escuelas del Condado de Greenville, Dr. Burke Royster, y el Sheriff del Condado de Greenville, Hobart Lewis, solicitan la ayuda de los padres para asegurar la efectividad en la denuncia de posibles amenazas. 

El Superintendente y el Sheriff piden a los padres que supervisen de cerca las cuentas de redes sociales de sus hijos, ayuden a controlar la difusion de amenazas falsas y desinformacion, y se aseguren que se realicen los informes efectivos. Hacer que su hijo siga los protocolos de "Ves Algo, Di Algo" reportando amenazas potenciales directamente a la escuela o a las autoridades policiales maximizara el uso efectivo de los recursos escolares y de las autoidades policiales, y, en ultima instancia, creara un entorno mas seguro para todos los estudiantes. 

ENSA Rock Painting Sign Up

ENSA Tiger Pride Rock

Our Tiger Pride Rock is available to paint! This is a great way to celebrate birthdays or school spirit. For more information and signing up, please click this Sign Up Genius link

ENSA Tiger Pride Shirt Orders

Tiger Pride Shirt Orders

Tiger Pride T-shirts are now available! For more information and how to order, please click this Sign Up Genius link

Parent Sign Up for PTA

PTA LogoHere is the link to join PTA.

ENSA Tiger Wishes on the Marquee

Tiger Wishes on the Marquee

ENSA PTA is offering Tiger Wishes on the Marquee at our school entrance. This could be a birthday announcement or a special note on a special day. To find out more information, please click this Sign Up Genius link

Supply List for 2024-25

It's time to start thinking about school supplies! East North Street Academy's supply list is available here. 


See Something Say Something

See Something Say Something

The single most effective preventative tool regarding school safety and security is the See Something, Say Something protocol, which every school in Greenville County utilizes. It is critically important that if students see or hear something that is concerning, they say something to a trusted adult or report it using the icon at the top of the website. Reports of bullying and threats may be made anonymously. This includes threats, bullying, discrimination, harassment, and intimidation. For more information on the See Something Say Something protocol, click here

School Visitor & Volunteer Guidelines

At East North Street Academy, we are excited to have volunteers working with our students and staff! There are a few things to remember if you would like to come and volunteer. Each adult who wants to visit the school (beyond the office) must have a valid ID that will be scanned on each visit to the school. This could be a valid Drivers License or State Issued ID. This strictly enforced district policy is to ensure the safety of everyone in our building and we appreciate your willingness to comply. 

Interested in chaperoning field trips or volunteering in your child's classroom? In an effort to ensure the safety of all of our students and staff, Greenville County Schools has implemented additional security checks for school volunteers. All volunteers must submit an online application to the district and receive clearance before volunteering at any school/center or chaperoning any school field trip. Access School Visitor and Volunteer Guidelines if you  would like more information. It is important to remember that the approval process may take up to 2 weeks, so please plan ahead. This process must be repeated each school year. 

ENSA's Little Free Library

Looking for a book to read? Check out our small wooden book box that is located on the right side of the road by the ENSA school sign. Anyone may take a book or donate a book to share. The more the merrier! You don't need to return the exact book you borrowed, however, in order to keep the library full of good choices, please add a book or two to share. Happy Reading! 

Donors Choose Projects

Our teachers often have Donor Choose Grants that have been written to get supplies, instructional materials, equipment, etc. for their classrooms. If you or someone you know wants to donate to any of our current projects that need funding, please visit the East North Street Academy Donors Choose page.