Health Room Happenings

Contact Our School Nurse

Barbara Ward, RN, 864-355-2907, 

In addition to the information provided below, the Greenville County School System provides additional information at Student Services - Health Services

Health Room Policy and Procedures

All medication must be delivered to the School Nurse or other designated school employee by the student's parent, legal guardian or a previously designated adult. It is against School District Policy for a student to carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent permission and school district permission to self-administer and self-monitor. (SC Law S144) All medication will be maintained in the health room. Violations of the medication policy are dealt with sternly. Medication needed on field trips is also covered by this policy and must be given to and administered by an employee of Greenville County Schools designated by the principal. There are separate permission forms for medications on field trips. 

District Medical Forms

For your child's safety, please remember:

Contacting Parents

If your child comes to the Health Room and needs to go home, we must contact a parent or legal guardian. We cannot send a student home with anyone until a parent has been notified. This is why it is so very important that we have current information about how to contact you at all times. If your child has an emergency situation or needs immediate care that cannot be provided at school, the contacts you list on the Health Card will be called IF we cannot reach a parent first. Please understand that this is for your child's protection.

Student Emergency Information Form

On the first day of school your child will be given an Emergency Information sheet to be completed by a parent. This is very important. Please print all information clearly. this will be the only way we have to reach you in case of an emergency at school. Please notify the Main Office staff and the School Nurse immediately if ANY of your contact information changes. 

State Immunization Requirements

A child cannot be admitted to any school or child development center without a valid SC Certificate of Immunization or a medical, religious, or special exemption.

Immunizations required by SC law are Tetanus containing vaccine (Dtap, DT or TD), Polio, Measles (two doses), Rubella (German Measles), and Mumps. Hepatitis B Immunization is required for students entering all grades. The Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccine or history of disease is required for all students admitted to K5 through 12th grade. Starting in school year 2016-2017, all K5-2nd grade students will need two Varicella vaccines that are at least 4 weeks apart with one dose on or after the first birthday.

If your child does not have a valid certificate, take his/her shot records to your physician or the county Health Department (282-4100). A parent or adult authorized by the parent must accompany a student under 16 who requires shots. For further information, please call Medical Health Services at 355-3171.

Vision Screening Services

All students in grades K-4, K-5, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grades will be screened for distant vision problems. If your child does not pass this screening, he/she will be screened again in two weeks. If he/she does not pass this second screening, you will be notified that your child needs further evaluation by a Physician or Optometrist. If your child is not in one of these grades, and you would like to have their vision screened, please send a note to the School Nurse and she will be glad to screen your child.

Hearing Screening Services

All students in K-4, K-5, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades will have their hearing screened. If your child should fail this screening, he/she will be rescreened at a later date. If he/she does not pass the re-screening, the School Nurse will refer your child to the District Audiologist. You will be notified by mail from their office concerning further evaluation. If your child is not in one of these grades and you wish to have screening, please send a note to your School Nurse and she will be glad to screen your child.

Partners for Healthy Children

This is a state insurance program offered to low income families for children under 19. If you are interested, please call 1-800-549-0820.

Safe Access to Vital Epinephrine (SAVE) Act

The Safe Access to Vital Epinephrine (SAVE) Act, approved by the South Carolina Legislature, allows school districts to store supplies of epinephrine auto-injectors for identified school staff to use in emergencies for students with allergic reactions. 

Parents and guardians of students with known allergies should continue to provide Epi-Pens for their children. These students will continue to have Allergy Action Plans developed by the School Nurse.

Every Greenville County school has a School Nurse and at least 10 first responders who are trained in Epi-pen administration in case of allergic reactions. 

SAVE Act - Epinephrine Information