Posted: Tuesday, May 24, 2022

We are excited to honor the first ever graduating class of students who have achieved the South Carolina Employability Credential. In addition to the 24 required course credits, these graduates have completed at least 360 work-based learning hours, a work readiness assessment, and a career portfolio through a multimedia presentation. With their extensive work training, they have all earned the state career-ready distinction. We are proud of the 51 students who have accomplished this goal.

“The students who have achieved the SC Employability Credential have demonstrated a very impressive work ethic.  Each has been fine-tuning their specific area of interest as they pursue employment earning a livable wage when exiting GCS. We are very proud of not only their work, but the educators and the community that has partnered with us for these opportunities,” said Traci Hogan, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education.

Employers interested in offering any training or internship opportunities for our students in these programs should contact Greenville County Schools Special Education Department at (864) 355-3395.

Congratulations to all of these students!


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