Chandler Creek Elementary School Improvement Council Awarded for Annual Report to the Parents Excellence
The School Improvement Council of Chandler Creek Elementary School has been named the recipient of SC-SIC’s third annual SIC Report to the Parents Annual Award of Merit.
Among Chandler Creek’s many programs to connect parents, the school adopted the Capturing Kids Hearts Model for Social and Emotional Growth. Each day students are welcomed with a smile and a handshake and launched with the S.T.A.R. motto supporting respectful and responsible student actions. Also, the school’s efforts to reach students and families with the Block Party Model allowed the surrounding area to increase community and business partnerships and to extend the work of the school year into the summer months with the Summer Lunch Buddy Program. Finally, Chandler Creek Elementary was chosen as the recipient of the Greer Leadership Class 39 Project based on involvement in the larger community. The school now has new playground surfaces, interactive play areas, and a school sensory room to serve the needs of students.
The Chandler Creek SIC previously ranked as one of the five finalists for SC-SIC’s annual Riley Award for School Improvement Council Excellence in 2019.
South Carolina statute requires that each SIC prepare and disseminate a Report to the Parents each spring to inform their school communities of the school’s and SIC’s work and progress toward established improvement goals.
“This award is intended to recognize Report content, clarity, and design appeal, as well as to stress the importance of the SIC Report to the Parents to school communities,” said SC-SIC Executive Director Tom F. Hudson. “We congratulate the Chandler Creek SIC on its outstanding efforts in fulfilling this required aspect of state law.”
Local SICs not only produce these Reports for their local communities but are requested to also post them electronically as part of their accountability process to SC-SIC’s online “Member Network.” There, Reports are readily available to anyone wishing to read more about their School Improvement Council’s work and efforts to achieve progress for their schools and students.
Staff and state Board of Trustees members of SC-SIC review all SIC Reports to the Parents posted online and through consensus determine an annual award recipient.Helpful tips and resources to assist local School Improvement Councils in preparing these Reports are also available to them on the SC-SIC website.
Part of the Center for Education Partnerships within the University of South Carolina College of Education, the SC School Improvement Council (SC-SIC) was established in state law 40 years ago to provide the member training, technical assistance, statutory accountability, and other operational resources necessary for the continued success of the community-based SICs in each of the state’s 1,110-plus K-12 public schools. More information on SC-SIC’s programmatic efforts can be found online at