Youth Leadership Greenville

The Youth Leadership Greenville develops youth to serve in leadership capacities  in our community. This program is designed to identify potential leaders and challenge them to become engaged citizens. Students apply during their sophomore year to participate in their junior year of high school.

View/Download Program Flyer

How to Apply

Students must complete and submit the application in its entirety and submit a resume along with two recommendation letters from a teacher, school counselor, coach, or principal to for consideration by Friday, May 3, 2024. Please review the application before submitting to ensure that the information is complete. Applicants must agree to fully participate in the program and attend all sessions.

Apply Now

A selection committee will consider candidates' involvement in extracurricular activities, past/current leadership roles, application essays and recommendation letters. If selected to move forward, students will be invited to group interviews.

Youth Leadership Greenville

YLG Videos

About YLG

YLG Camp Retreat

Leadership and Community

Upcountry History Museum