School Improvement Council

What is a School Improvement Council?

The School Improvement Council (SIC) serves as an advisory committee to a school's principal and faculty. Unlike PTSA and other voluntary school organizations, SICs are mandated by law to exist in every public school in South Carolina. SICs play a key role in the education of our children, bringing together parents, educators and community stakeholders to collaborate on the improvement of their local school.

Who May Serve on a Council?

If you are a parent or community member interested in serving on our Chandler Creek Middle School Improvement Council for 2023-24, please contact Cassandra Davis at

Almost anyone is eligible to serve on a School Improvement Council - parents, teachers, business partners, and community leaders. The average council has about 12 members; two thirds of the members must be elected parents and teachers. The principal appoints the remaining third of the council, careful to ensure broad representation from the larger school community including non-parent taxpayers who have a special expertise or perspective.

The principal serves as an ex-officio member of the council as do a variety of other people by virtue of their position at the school. Ex-officio members may include the PTA president, parent liaison, business partners, last year's SIC Chair; the number depends on the school's needs.

The Key functions of the SIC

2024-2025 Meeting Dates

Chandler Creek Elementary School SIC 2024-2025

CCES School Renewal Plan

SIC Report to the Community