Carolina Commitments


Trojan Vision:

Our vision is that all students will graduate with the knowledge, skills, experiences and attributes to achieve success beyond high school. 

Trojan Mission:

Our mission is to enrich our community by helping all students reach their full potential through engaging experiences that are challenging, authentic and embrace diversity.

Trojan Beliefs:

We believe in the power of learning together through a process of collaboration and collective exploration.

We believe that together we create better solutions than anyone does by themselves.

We believe in other people and their potential to continuously learn and grow.

We believe that challenges are opportunities for new learning, and that problems are best addressed through careful study and reflection.

We believe that we do the work we do in order to achieve higher levels of learning for all.

Carolina High School and Academy Alma Mater

Oh, we love thee, Carolina that so proudly stands today;
And we will sing thy praises as we go along our way.
As we tread the path of knowledge to our goals that we seek here.
O let us cheer her on to victory and song and Carolina live forevermore.
Oh cheers for days gone by, we'll hold her honor high
And shout her praises ever to the sky.
For we love thee Carolina that so proudly stands today,
And we will not for get though we be far, far away


Trojan Seal

Carolina Crest

Trojan Logo

Carolina Logo



Trojan Colors:   NAVY & ORANGE


Turnaround: Revised Strategic Plan


Trojan Creed