Thank you for visiting our Parents' Page.
Parent Backpack

Parent Backpack is an online application that has replaced the PowerSchool Parent Portal. With Parent Backpack, you are able to view your child's grades, school attendance, lunch balance and class schedules when you are logged into the system. Parent Backpack works on any device and is mobile friendly. Parents are reminded that once they have created their online Parent Backpack account, they must link their students using their Student ID (found on their progress report, report card, or class schedule).
After this process is complete, parents must then visit their child’s school and present their government issued photo ID in order for the school to approve their pending request.
Parents are welcome to use the following instructional resources.
Mental Health Resources
Keeping you and our community healthy and safe, as well as maintaining mental well-being, have always been and remain our top priorities. In efforts to help our families have quick access to resources list please following the links below:
Bus Contacts
The district has established an e-mail account for parents to e-mail the district Transportation Department with questions or concerns they may have. The e-mail is Please include your child's address, school, and phone number where they can be reached. Sevier's bus transportation is under the supervision of Taylors Bus Center at 864-355-7330. The GCS District Transportation contact number is 864-355-1289.
Car Line Procedures
Car Line Procedures
Front Car Line Instructional Video
Back Car Line Instructional Video
School doors open at 7:30am, classes start at 8:30am, and dismissal is at 3:25pm. On time arrival is very important to your child’s education.
For safety, all students must be dropped off and picked up ON CAMPUS. No student may be picked up or dropped off alongside the road on Belvue Ave., Piedmont Park Rd. or Sunnydale Dr. nor across the street at the Church.
Your actions as a driver impact the safety and efficiency of this system. Please be respectful of others and comply with all procedures and staff instructions.
Morning drop-off: All car riders must be dropped-off in the front driveway. Vehicles will stack quickly. Help keep Piedmont Park Rd. clear of vehicles turning into Sevier by pulling forward to the white stop bar before allowing your child to exit your vehicle. Between the hours of 7:45 - 8:30 drivers must turn right to exit the school.
Afternoon pick-up: All students will board vehicles on school property under the supervision of our staff.
Front Car Line
- Display your issued car number in a manner that it is clearly visible to the staff member entering car numbers.
- Drivers arriving for pick up will line up in two lanes in the front driveway. Please use only the right lane until 3:00PM. After 3:00 both lanes may be used. All drivers must pull forward in the lane toward the crosswalk leaving minimal space between vehicles.
- Student names and numbers post to classroom boards beginning at 3:23. Students will dismiss to their pick up areas based on color codes and move to their vehicles in groups.
- All 7th and 8th grade students must be picked up in the front carline, except those carpooling with a 6th grade student.
- Students exit the building next to the office.
- When prompted, students will walk the center of the carline to find their ride. If their ride is not located before the end of the sidewalk the student returns to the front of the carline to walk again.
- No student may cross a line of cars. All enter from the center line or across the designated walkway.
- Drivers will follow the signals of the staff member on duty before pulling away.
- If your rider has not boarded when your lane is released, pull into the parking lot. Your student will cross at the walkway to meet you when the next group is loading. Do not stop the line to address the adult dismissing students.
- Students will not be released to the parking lot unless their ride has gone through the car line.
Back Car Line
- 6th grade students and 7th and 8th grade students carpooling with a 6th grade student may be picked up in the rear car line. These names and numbers will be posted in RED on the board in the classroom. Sixth grade car riders will exit the building through the elevator door exit and walk down the sidewalk toward Paris Elementary.
- Display your issued car number in a manner that it is clearly visible to the staff member entering car numbers.
- No vehicle may arrive for back carline pick-up before 2:50 in the afternoon to allow Paris bus traffic to clear.
- Drivers will enter through the Paris Elementary bus loop and exit through the Sevier faculty parking area between parked cars. The image shows the path the back carline flows.
- Drivers will follow the signals of the staff member on duty at all times.
- All students must load the vehicle from the passenger side.
- Drivers in the back carline may pull away and exit after their riders are loaded.
- Between 3:25 - 3:35pm, drivers leaving the back carline should turn right when exiting to continue steady traffic flow.
- The back carline closes at 3:40pm, no car rider numbers will be entered after this time.
- At 3:45 an announcement will be made releasing all remaining car riders to report to the front carline to await pick-up.
- No driver may pull to the side or rear of the school to pick up students. Do not wait for riders across the street. They will not be allowed to meet you there.
Anti-Idling Policy: Sevier Middle School has established a voluntary “anti-idling” policy. We ask that drivers turn off their engines while waiting in their vehicle to pick up their riders, weather permitting. Please park in the front parking lot if you are coming into the school.
No Phone Zone: While in carline, please stay alert by staying off your cell phone. Bus Rider Drop-off and Pick-up supervision. Busses arriving after 8:30am and 3:45pm will pull into the front driveway.
NOTE to ALL — If you have any change in your transportation arrangements you must submit a Transportation Change form to the Guidance Office. Thank you for your conscientious support.