Upcoming Events


Spring Sports Tryouts

Tryouts for Soccer and Baseball are scheduled for Monday, February 10th from 4pm - 5:30pm.  In case of inclement weather, an announcement with updates will be made to students at school during the afternoon.   Please check the "Spring Sports Weather Updates for Practices/Games"  page for updates.    Up-to-date information on changes to tryouts, practices, or games that may be impacted by inclement weather will be added to this document as information becomes available.

Spring Sports Weather Updates for Practices/Games

Course Registration for 2025-2026

Rising 6th Grade Student Course Selection Process for 2025-2026 (current 5th grade students)

 Rising 6th grade students will choose their electives courses at their current elementary schools during the week of February 18, 2025. 
6th Grade Elective Course Descriptions


 Rising 7th and 8th Grade Student Course Selection Process for 2025-2026 (current 6th and 7th grade students)

Students will receive a course form with all of the courses that they can select from the week of Feb. 3rd.  Course descriptions are linked below. Forms are due back Feb. 7th 2025. Counselors will send home a Final Course Selection form- which includes the teacher recommendations for their academic classes on or before March 27, 2025.  Corrections and/or changes can be made on that form.  The final forms are due back with parent signatures on or before April 1, 2025. 


7th Grade Elective Course Descriptions        8th Grade Elective Course Descriptions


If your student would like to take a Virtual High School Credit class during related arts the following google form needs to be completed to be considered for the class (even if you chose it as an alternate class).  This form must be completed by April 1, 2025.  This form will be open beginning Feb, 3rd 2025. 

 Virtual High School Credit class Google Form


Rising 9th Grade Student Course Selection Process for 2025-2026 (current 8th grade students)

 Students will receive a course form from their zoned high school with all of the courses they can select from Feb 20th. If a student moves or gets special assign to another high school we can make changes through the end of the year. A link to course descriptions will be posted on each high school website on or before Feb. 18th, 2025. Forms are due back Feb, 26 2025. Counselors will send home a Final Course Selection form- which includes the teacher recommendations for their academic classes- on or before March 27, 2025. Corrections and/or changes can be made on that form.  The final forms are due back with parent signatures, and any override forms, on or before April 1, 2025.  Override forms are for academic classes only and can be printed from the link below.

If your student would like to take a Virtual High School Credit class over the summer detailed information will be on our website late March/early April. 

Parent Override Form - High School Only

Spring Fling Committee Volunteers Needed

Our PTA will begin planning for Spring Fling, our annual afterschool carnival style event that is scheduled for April 25th.  We are currently recruiting a Spring Fling Committee to help with the planning of this event.  This is a really fun day for our students, and need many helping hands to make it possible.  If you are interested in learning more or being a part of the Spring Fling team, please complete the Google form below.

Spring Fling Committee Interest Form 

Screenagers Under the Influence - Viewing

Wade Hampton High School, in partnership with Just Say Something, invites you to a special screening of Screenagers Under the Influence, a powerful documentary by filmmaker Delaney Ruston.

This film explores how today’s digital world impacts teens' decision-making regarding substances like vaping, drugs, and alcohol. Through expert insights and real-life stories, it provides practical strategies to help families navigate these important conversations.

Date: Tuesday, February 11
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Location: WHHS Auditorium

We encourage all parents, students, and community members to attend this important event. Together, we can empower our teens to make informed choices.


We look forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,

Dr. Carlos Grant, WHHS Principal

RAMP Designation for Sevier!

Exciting News!
We are thrilled to announce that Sevier Middle School has been awarded the prestigious ASCA RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Program) designation by the American School Counselor Association! This national recognition reflects the hard work, dedication, and excellence of our incredible school counseling team in providing a comprehensive, data-driven counseling program that supports student success.
Thank you to our school counselors for their commitment to helping every student grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Your impact is felt every day, and we are so proud of this achievement!
Join us in celebrating this well-deserved honor!

GHS Rising Raider Night

image of Greenville High School with message This year, the Rising Raider Showcase at Greenville High will be on February 27, beginning at 6:00pm. This night is focused on helping the next freshman class make a smooth transition from middle school to the Freshman Academy. Students will get information about course offerings, registration, meet the faculty, tour the school, and explore what opportunities are available for them to get involved in when they arrive in the fall.

Little Miss Wade Hampton

Wade Hampton High School is inviting our students and the community to participate in Little Miss Wade Hampton. There are different age divisions ranging from newborn to 8th grade. Go to @littlemisswhhs25 on Instagram for information.  The registration link is in their bio.  Proceeds from this event will go to The Julie Valentine Center. 
Little Miss Wade Hampton Info Flyer 

WHHS Lacrosse

Wade Hampton Girls and Boys JV Lacrosse teams encourage 7th and 8th graders zoned for Wade Hampton to come to practices.  Wade Hampton Girls JV Lacrosse practices are held at the Wade Hampton High athletic fields from 5:30pm to 7:30pm Monday through Thursday.   Girls Tryouts are February 6th  from 5:30pm-6:30pm and Saturday, February 8th from 9:00am to 10:00am.  Contact Coach Amber Newland with questions (at anewland@greenville.k12.sc.us).  Students interested in boys JV lacrosse can contact Coach Barstow (at Mbarstow@greenvilleschools.us) for more info.

Sex Education Classes

The Sexual Health and Responsibility Education Unit will be taught Tuesdays and Wednesdays in February (2/4-5, 2/11-12, & 2/18-19) by the PE department to students currently enrolled in PE..  A general overview and outline of the district’s age appropriate, abstinence-based sexual health & responsibility education curriculum can be viewed on the district website under the Students & Parents Heading then scrolling to the Comprehensive Health & Physical Education link.  Complete details including the slide presentation and videos can be previewed at the school anytime during the school day if you would like to view it. If you do not want your child to participate in the sexual health & responsibility unit or a specific portion of the unit, you must bring the signed attached exemption form to the front office in person. By School Board Policy and SC Comprehensive Health Education Law, students who exempt sexual health & responsibility education will be required to complete other health-related self-study lessons. 

Order your Yearbook!

order your yearbook imageOrder your yearbook now!  Personalized yearbooks are not longer available as of February 1, 2025. Prices increase as the school year progresses!
8th Grade Yearbook Recognition Ad orders are due by 2/7/2025.  See the 8th Grade Ad flyer for details.  

Sevier Yearbook store through Jostens


Greenville Drive Reading All Stars Challenge

2025 Reading All-Stars Challenge
Students are challenged to read a total of 500 pages between January 13th and February 14th. ELA teachers will pass out the reading logs on Monday, January 13th and students need to turn them in by February 14th. Students that complete the challenge will be given a ticket voucher to the celebration game and a pre-game meet the Drive player event. Families can choose between two games; Tuesday, April 15 @ 6:45 PM  and Tuesday, April 29 @ 6:45 PM. 

Reading All Stars Program information     Spanish - Reading All Stars Program Information

Reading All Stars Reading Log      Spanish - Reading All Stars Reading Log

Cell Phone Policy Update

South Carolina Legislature enacted a requirement that school districts adopt a policy as created by the State Board of Education that prohibits access to personal electronic devices by students during the school day, effective January 7, 2025, when students return to school for Winter Break.  Sevier’s current Personal Device Policy aligns with most of the protocols put forth in this action, so the adjustment for Sevier will not be as drastic as other schools.   In this state enacted policy, personal electronic devices must be either turned off or silenced during the school day and will be stored out of sight of others as directed by each school.  In addition, smartwatches, and other accessories, like wireless earbuds, cannot be worn during the school day.  Please review the GCS announcement for more details. 

GCS Announcement for SC Legislature Enacting Policy for Personal Device Restrictions at School 

Sevier’s Electronic Device Policy is located on page 16-17 of the Student Handbook 

Early Dismissal Procedures

As walk-in dismissals have continued to increase, we want to remind our families to please follow the early dismissal procedures to minimize classroom disruptions.  Students planning to have an early dismissal should come to the front office upon arrival at school on the day of their dismissal and turn in a parent note. The parent note should contain the time and reason for the dismissal, a contact phone number, and parent signature.  If someone other than a parent is picking up the student, their name should be provided on the parent note as well.  The student will receive an early dismissal slip as their pass out of class at the time of their dismissal.  Those picking up for early dismissal should park in the parking lot and must come into the office with their photo ID to sign out their student.  Walk-in dismissals are discouraged as they require staff to interrupt class instruction, which hinders classroom focus and productivity.  Students that do not have prearranged early dismissals (by turning in a parent note and receiving a dismissal slip), may be released at class change to minimize class interruptions.   The cut off for walk-in and call-in dismissals is 2:30pm (last class change).  The cut off for pre-arranged dismissals is 3:15pm, however we recommend scheduling for no later than 3:00pm due to the afternoon car line traffic.

Gold Feather Falcon Nomination

image of a golden feather, stating nominate staff for a golden falcon feather award  Do you know a teacher or staff member that has displayed attributes of an outstanding educator?  Has a teacher or staff member made a difference in the life of your child or family?  Please use the attached Gold Feather Falcon form to nominate a staff member who deserves recognition for a great job.

Gold Feather Falcon Nomination Form

Erin's Law & Gavin's Law- Grades 6-8

Sometime over the course of the school year your child will be presented one lesson by the school counselor.  The lesson content is not part of sexuality education and only discusses age appropriate health and safety education. Please view the parent letter for more details. 
Erin's Law Parent Letter

Extended Day Program

ATTENTION:  Sevier's Extended Day Program is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year!!   
Spots are limited.  See the attached EDP Application for details.
Program Hours:  3:45pm - 6:00pm
Daily Schedule:3:45 - 4:00pm a healthy snack is provided
4:00 - 4:45pm  Homework / Tutor assistance
4:45 - 6:00pm  Activities / Games 
Student pick up by 6:00pm.
The Registration fee is $40. 
See registration application for weekly pricing.
For more information, contact Laura Holley, Extended Day Program Director, at lholley@greenville.k12.sc.us or 864-355-8213; or contact Joy Bailey, Co-Director, at  jvbailey@greenville.k12.sc.us.

EDP Application for the 2024-2025 School Year

Pay through My School Bucks

2024-2025 Dress Code

Parents and Guardians,
In an effort to increase alignment in discipline and dress code practices between schools and to provide more consistency and clarity for parents and students, we are providing the attached flier for guidance. (English Flyer) (Folleto en espanol). These dress code specifications and violation consequences are in effect for the 2024-25 school year. This information is also found in our 2024-25 Student Handbook.  Please reach out to Mr. Maguire with any questions by contacting the front office.

Required Tdap Vaccination for Rising 7th Graders

Attention 6th Graders & Parents, DHEC requires all rising 7th graders to have a Tdap ( tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccination upon beginning in August. Any rising 7th grader that does not have the Tdap vaccination (or are otherwise exempt) will be excluded from school until proof of vaccination is provided in the form of DHEC Immunization Record.  Please plan ahead, and schedule this vaccination as soon as possible and turn in proof of the vaccination on the SC DHEC Immunization record to the front office before the end of this school year.  Families that wait until summer to try and schedule an appointment may have a difficult time scheduling as this vaccination is required by all SC schools and the demand is very high during the summer.  Please call school RN Amy Snipes with questions at 355-8207.

Support our PTA!

Join PTA

Sevier appreciates our PTA and their efforts to continuously support our school by organizing volunteer opportunities, providing funds, and being an advocate for our students.   Money raised by our PTA goes directly back to our school to fund teacher grants, school supplies, student incentives, school events, and new technology. Please help our school by supporting Sevier PTA.

Thank you to our 2024-2025 PTA Business Sponsors:  Stax's Original Restaurant, The Original Harvey's Family Restaurant, CRAG, Chick-Fil-A in Taylors,Sharpe Team at Remax Results, Taylors Youth Association, Topsail Capital Advisors, Truliant Federal Credit Union, and Christian Learning Center, Amy Stone, Realtor with Real Broker, LLC, Novus Orthodontics, and Johnston Orthodontics.

Ways to Support our PTA:

Go to the Sevier PTA Givebacks site (formerly MemberHub)

Parents who own a business are asked to consider becoming a Business Sponsor or to spread the word of our sponsorship program to family or friends who own businesses.  See the PTA Sponsorship Form for details and contact information.

Those not interested in paying online are welcome to send in cash or check payments to the front office.  Checks are made payable to Sevier Middle PTA.

Volunteer!!  Complete the Online PTA Parent Contact Form (to keep in the loop of volunteer opportunities. 

PTA Sponsors 2024-25

Thank you to our PTA Business Sponsors for their support!

      CRAG logo               Sharpe team logo     Taylors Youth Association banner      Chick-fil-A Taylors logo        Christian Learning Center logo for ReleaseTime        the Original Harvey's family restaurant logo      Stax's Original Restaurant logo