
Logan Impson, Attendance Clerk | 864-355-6773


We hope the information you find here is helpful and answers any questions you have about student attendance for the school year. Below are a few reminders to help you and your student have a successful year at MMS.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact Logan Impson, our Attendance Clerk.

Review the MMS Attendance Policies and Procedures


  • 1st period class begins at 8:30 AM. Students who arrive to class after 8:30 AM are tardy.
  • Students must attend at least half of a class period in order to be counted as present for a class.
  • A student must be present at least three hours or be in school for 180 minutes to be considered present for the day.
  • Absences must be verified with a parent or medical note within two days of the absence or it is considered unlawful/unexcused absence. Parents may submit emailed or scanned doctor notes.
  • Three consecutive absences or a total of 5 unlawful absences trigger a student as truant. Notes must be sent to the Attendance Office.
  • For students in grades K-12, principals shall promptly approve or disapprove any student’s absence in excess of ten(10) days, whether those absences are lawful, unlawful, or a combination of the two.  Absences in excess of ten (10) days will not be considered excused with a parent/guardian note unless accompanied by official medical documentation or otherwise approved by the principal as a lawful absence. 

  • Students now have three (3) days to turn in notes after their absences instead of two (2). 

  • A High School Credit class requires “seat time recovery” for any unlawful absence beyond the 10th day for year-long courses or 5 days for semester courses. Only 10 parent notes for year-long courses or 5 parent notes for semester courses are accepted as lawful absences. Medical notes are excluded from the 10-day absence count. Seat time recovery may require additional time after school and an additional fee.

Early Dismissals

  • Students are expected to bring a signed parent/guardian note requesting an early dismissal to the Attendance Office before 8:30 AM. 
  • Please indicate the time and name of the person who will be signing them out of the building. 
  • No early dismissals after 2:45 PM.

Late Arrival or Tardy to School

Punctuality is a critical work-related skill that a person can learn. It directly correlates to an individual’s success in the business world. Parents should have students at school on time each day. Furthermore, students are expected to be in their individual classes on time. Late arrival (tardiness) results in interruptions to the learning process.

  • The school day begins for students at 8:30 AM. Students who arrive to school after 8:30 AM are required to be signed in at the Front Office by a parent/guardian upon arrival to school.
    • Tardiness will be excused for doctor or dentist appointments or for a late bus.  
    • Parents are expected to provide a note in the event of a late arrival to school. 

Tardies will be entered into the student’s attendance record. Students are allowed three unexcused tardies to school per quarter without a consequence.

  • After a third unexcused tardy, the following consequences will be assigned:
    • 4th Unexcused Tardy – Lunch Detention
    • 5th & 6th Unexcused Tardies – Administrative After-School Detention
    • 7+ Unexcused Tardy – In School Suspension
  • Bus riders will receive a "Late Bus" pass and will have four minutes from the time on the pass to get to their first class for their tardy to be excused.

letter iconSubmit a note for your
student's absence

fax icon

Absence notes and doctor's excuses
can be faxed to 864-355-6988
or emailed to Logan Impson.