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Suggestion Box GraphicWe value your feedback here at Lakeview Middle School. Feel free to share your suggestions or questions here, and we will process them within 24 School Hours. Thank you for your support!


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2024 Summer Reading Program 

2024 Summer Reading Program 

May 30 - July 27

Register online at  greenvillelibrary.org/summer-reading


Programa de lectura de verano 2024

30 de mayo - 27 de julio

Regístrese en línea en greenvillelibrary.org/summer-reading


GCSD Summer Reading

Summer Reading video

Attention Students and Parents:

If you or your student is attending Greenville High School next year for 9th grade and would like to play sports.  Please fill out the form below for males and females (See below).

Si usted o su estudiante asistirán a Greenville High School el próximo año para el noveno grado y les gustaría practicar deportes. Complete el formulario a continuación para hombres y mujeres (ver más abajo).

Rising 9th Grade Female Athletes

Rising 9th Grade Male Athletes



Turnaround Revised Strategic Plan for Lakeview Middle School

Please view below the Turnaround: Revised Strategic Plan

Consulte a continuación el cambio: Plan estratégico revisado

Turnaround: Revised Strategic Plan

TDap for 7th graders

Tdap is required for all rising 7th graders
South Carolina law requires that all students entering the seventh grade receive one (1) dose of Tdap vaccine. Tdap vaccine protects children from three serious diseases: tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis (often called whooping cough). State law began the requirement for the Tdap vaccination in the 2013-14 school year.

If your child has already had the vaccine, you must provide the school with proof that they have had it. If your child has not received the vaccine, please contact your health care pro­vider as soon as possible to schedule an ap­pointment for your child to be given the vac­cine. The Tdap vaccination is given by health care providers, many pharmacies, and the Greenville County Health Department. Once your child has received the vaccine, please remember that you must provide proof to the school nurse.

Students entering the seventh grade, who have not received the Tdap vaccine by the beginning of next school year (August 2024), will not be allowed to attend school until they have received the vaccine and provided proof to the school nurse.

For More Information:

Contact the school nurse at your child’s school or call 864-355-3100
Se Requiere la Vacuna de T-dap (Tos Ferina) para estudiantes entrando al séptimo grado


La ley de Carolina del Sur requiere que todos los estudiantes que ingresan al séptimo grado re­ciban una (1) dosis de la vacuna Tdap. La vacuna Tdap protege a los niños de tres enfermedades graves: tétanos, difteria y tos ferina. Esta ley estatal que ordena que la vacunación de Tdap sea obligatoria se hizo efectiva durante el año escolar 2013-14.

Si su hijo/a ya ha recibido la vacuna, debe traer a la escuela una prueba de que la ha recibido. Si su hijo/a no ha recibido la vacuna, comuníquese con su proveedor de atención médica lo antes posible para programar una cita para que su hijo/a reciba la vacuna. La va­cuna Tdap es administrada por proveedores de atención médica, muchas farmacias y el Depar­tamento de Salud del Condado de Greenville. Una vez que su hijo/a haya recibido la vacuna, recuerde que debe proporcionar una prueba a la enfermera de la escuela.

Estudiantes que ingresan al séptimo grado, que no han recibido la vacuna Tdap al partir del próximo año escolar (agosto de 2024), no se les permitirá asistir a la escuela hasta que hayan recibido la vacuna y proporcionado pruebas a la enfermera de la escuela.

Para Más Información:

Comuníquese con la enfermera de la escuela de su hijo/a o llame al 864-355-3100.

Magnet Application...

Magnet Academy

The GCS Magnet Academy application window for the 2024-2025 school year will open on Monday, November 13, 2023.  Magnet applications will be available in “Parent Backpack.”  For more information, visit the GCS Magnet Page.

Magnet applications will be available via GCS Parent Backpack during the application rounds listed below. Paper-based applications are available by request.  Please visit the GCS Magnet Website for application directions and the Magnet Academy FAQs for information about how applications are scored and processed.

How Are You Doing? Check Backpack to Find Out! ¿Quieres ver todas tus calificaciones? ¡Ve a Mochila!

What to see all your grades?  Go to Backpack!

¿Quieres ver todas tus calificaciones? ¡Ve a Mochila!