Fountain Inn is Greenville County's second smallest city in population, with 6,017 residents. Most of the city's residential area is concentrated within a mile or two of downtown. About 73.2 percent of households consider themselves to be families. More than half of the residents (54%) are married. More than half of the grandparents (50.4%) are responsible for taking care of at least one grandchild. The largest age group-33.2 percent-are between 25 and 44 years old. More that 67 percent of residents are white, while about 30 percent are black. Hispanic residents make up a very small percent (2.4) of the population, and Asians account for only 0.3% of the residents. Seventy-two percent of Fountain Inn residents own their own homes, and the median family income is $40,000. More that 25 percent of residents make $50-74,000 a year. Among workers, about 27 percent are in management, professional or related occupations; almost 26 percent are in sales, and 26.2 percent work in production, transportation and material-moving occupations. Of Fountain Inn residents over the age of 25; 13.2% have no high school diploma; 35.4% are high school graduates; 20.1% have had some college; 7.5% have an Associate degree; 12% have a Bachelor's degree; and 4.1% have a graduate degree.
Simpsonville is the larger of the two towns; it has a population of 14,352. Of the 14,352 residents, 883 came from overseas, a statistic that reflects the increasing diversity of the area. About 75% of households consider themselves to be families, a statistic comparable to that of Fountain Inn. A similar percent of the population to that in Ft. Inn is married-59.4%. There is a significant percent of single-mother households--11.9%. More than 52% of families with children have both parents working. The racial composition of Simpsonville is as follows: 82.7% are white; 13.8% are African American; 1.5% are Asian; and 2% are listed as "other." Over 70% of the residents own their own homes, and the median family income is $52,043. Among those employed, 60% are in management, professional or sales occupations. A small percent, 2.7% work at home. The remaining 33% work in production, transportation and material-moving occupations. Of Simpsonville's residents, 8.8% have less than a high school diploma; 28.1% are high school graduates; 24% have some college; 9.7% have Associate degrees; 20.4% have Bachelor's degrees; and 5.2% have graduate degrees.