Do you want a delicious way to support Washington Center? Purchase a Honey Baked Ham gift card! 20% of all sales go back to Washington Center's PTA. Click here to purchase a Honey Baked Ham gift card
Students in Grades 3rd-11th will participate in South Carolina Alternate Assessments (SC-Alt) from March 3rd- April 11th.
Help support the Washington Center by purchasing a Honey Baked Ham Gift Card! Gift Cards are delivered to your email and 20% of every purchase helps us buy canopies to cover playground equipment. In addition to offering whole or sliced ham and turkey, Honey Baked Ham has individual meals and family-style sides. Click here to purchase a Honey Baked Ham Gift Card
Congratulations to Washington Center's MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team)! They had their drill this week and were awarded the Project Adam Award. This means they have been recognized as a Heart Safe School and are prepared for a sudden cardiac arrest. Way to go!
Washington Center is a separate school facility for students with intellectual disabilities. Students are served on a specifically designed campus where there are 18 classrooms. Additional space includes cafeteria, student kitchen, greenhouse, gym, media center, therapy rooms, multisensory suite, adapted playground, nature trail, nurse’s station, and administrative offices. All students are served by classroom teachers as well as by instructors in the areas of Art, Music, Physical Education, Daily Living, Library, and Environmental Science. The staff also includes para-professionals, nurses, and therapists (occupational, physical, and speech).