See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.

News & Notes

Tiger Tail News- Feb. 7, 2025

Check out this week's episode of the Tiger Tail News.

Tigerville Times- February Edition

Check out what is happening in our school this month.  Read the February edition of the Tigerville Times.  |  Tigerville Times- February Edition

PTA Coin Clash- Feb. 10-14

Tigerville PTA is sponsoring a coin clash February 10-14.  Student bring in coins, bills, and/or checks to place in their team jars. Pennies, bills, and checks are all positive points.  All other currency are negative points  (silver coins).  The money in each class jar will be counted daily and the points tallied.  Points standings will be announced at the end each day.  Please make checks payable to TES PTA.  The grade level team with the most points will win a treat.  Funds will be used towards teacher appreciation week and other year end events.  Please visit the Tigerville PTA Facebook page for complete details.

ARMES Nominations- Feb. 3-Mar. 31

ARMES (Arts Reaching Middle and Elementary Schools) is an exciting, free program for students who are gifted in the arts. If you love music, art, acting, dancing, or writing, this is your chance to explore your talents and have fun with other creative students!

ARMES classes happen after school once or twice a week at these schools: League Academy (Central Site),  Greer Middle (Northern Site),  Hillcrest Middle (Southern Site)

Auditions for the 2025-2026 school year are coming soon!  Nominations are open February 3- March 31, 2025.  Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to shine!  Visist the ARMES website to learn more and sign up!  |  ARMES Program

Reading All Stars- January 13- February 14

This Spring, the Greenville Drive and Michelin N.A. proudly present the 17th Annual Reading All-Stars Challenge. The Reading All-Stars Program is a reading incentive program for any Kindergarten – 8th grade student aimed at promoting reading and academic success across the Upstate.

Entering your child in the Reading All-Stars reading challenge is EASY! To complete the program,  Elementary Students must read 5 reading-level appropriate books in the 5-week time period  (Monday, January 13 – Friday, February 14).  Print and complete the reading log.  Then, return it no later than February 14, 2025.  |  Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars Form

GCS Weather-Related Closing Procedures

During this time of year, our area can experience a wide range of weather conditions. Please know that the safety of students and staff is always our primary concern when making any weather-related decisions.
To ensure you’re getting the latest information, sign up for a Parent Backpack account and confirm your child’s school has the most up-to-date contact information for you.
Learn more about the district’s weather-related closing procedures at the GCS website.  |  GCS Weather-Related Closing Procedures  

Kindergarten and First Grade Registration

Early Bird Registration for the 2025-26 school year will be open December 2-6, 2024. Registration will continue beyond these dates.  Children who will be five years old on or before September 1 of the current year must enroll in public or private kindergarten unless the parent or legal guardian signs a waiver  Any child who will be six years old on or before September 1 of the current year must enroll in first grade. Students who are currently enrolled in a GCS 4K or 5K program do not need to register.  Please see the GCS website for th form and full details.  |  GCS Kindergarten and First Grade Registration

Rent the Rock!

We are excited to announce that the Tigerville Spirit Rock is available for rent to celebrate your child and support Tigerville Elementary School.   The Tigerville Spirit Rock is now available for sign ups.  The Rock is a perfect way to send one of Tigerville’s students or staff a “Happy Birthday”.  The Rock is also a Tigerville fundraiser, so all funds generated will be used to pay for school programs & improvements. The cost is $10 per day & you will have the Rock for 24 hours (5pm-5pm).  There will be no refunds for weather or school closure.  Please see the Tigerville Spirit Rock Guidelines for complete details regarding payment.  Please call the Tigerville office at 864-355-4600 to reserve the Tigerville Spirit Rock.  Have fun & be creative!  Thank you for supporting Tigerville Elementary School!  | Tigerville Spirit Rock Guidelines

2024-25 Tigerville Spirit Days

All students are invited to participate in spirit days.  These are fund dress-up day to add fun to our learning.  These days are sprinkled through out the school year.  |  TES 2024-25 Spirit Days

See Something. Say Something.

The District is committed to fostering an environment that both promotes learning and prevents disruptions in the educational process. Accordingly, the District prohibits all forms of bullying, discrimination, harassment or intimidation. To learn about the district's policy for bullying and the See something. Say Something. Campaign, please visit the GCS website.  |  See Something.  Say Something.