School Improvement Council

School Improvement Nominations

Would you or someone you know like to serve on the School Improvement Council? The School Improvement Council is a broad-based body intended to advise the principal and school, and is focused on helping to achieve school improvement. We will meet five times this school year. It is a great way to get to know Taylors Elementary and be a champion for our students.


Play, Learn and Grow Together

About SIC

SIC serves as an Advisory Committee to Mrs. Dye and the faculty.  Councils are mandated by law to exist in every public school in South Carolina. SICs play a key role in the education of our state's children, bringing together parents, educators and community stakeholders to collaborate on the improvement of schools. Anyone who wants to see Taylors Elementary reach its fullest potential is qualified to serve on SIC!

Our SIC meets during the school year.  Meetings are open to the public.  Members serve two-year terms and include staff members, parents, grandparents, and local community and business partners. SIC works collaboratively with the school to develop and implement a school strategic plan.  SIC monitors and evaluates our success in reaching goals, and writes an annual report to parents about the progress of the plan. SIC assists the principal in writing the narrative for the School Report Card.   SIC advises on the use of school incentive awards and provides assistance as requested by the  principal.

Annual School Improvement Council Calendar

August / September


November / December

January / February

March / April

May / June