Need something to do this summer?  Practice your math and reading skills!  

MVE Summer Reading
Visit the Greenville County Library to participate in the summer reading program.   Students who turn in a completed a reading log at the beginning of the school year will attend the Principal's Picnic in the fall.
Greenville County Library Summer Reading

Summer Reading & Math Bookmarks
Find your grade level below and click on the different resources.  The math bookmarks list online resources and other activities.  The reading lists and bookmarks have suggested reading selections.

Rising 1st graders

math bookmark   reading bookmark   reading list 

Rising 2nd graders

math bookmark   reading bookmark   reading list 

Rising 3rd graders

math bookmark   reading bookmark   reading list 

Rising 4th graders

math bookmark   reading bookmark   reading list 

Rising 5th graders

math bookmark   reading bookmark   reading list 

Rising 6th graders

math bookmark