Hollis Academy PBIS Incentive Program

Hollis Academy will continue to implement PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) this year. Our goal is to help each child develop self-discipline. Together the home an school share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers, and students must work together to maintain a safe learning environment. The PBIS program is based upon our philosophy of recognizing positive contributions of students. PBIS means that teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff are going to take responsibility to TEACH positive behavior expectations to students. PBIS means that students will know exactly what is expected of them. Students who take responsibility to behave positively will be recognized and rewarded in a variety of ways.

Our behavioral expectations for our school are provided below in the Hollis Academy Positive Behavior Intervention Support Matrix. We encourage parents to review these expectations with students.

Student Incentives

Husky Bucks are given as student incentives.  All staff members are asked to give bucks to students throughout the day when you see them being responsible, respectful, and ready in the areas listed on the matrix.  Husky Bucks will be displayed in the classroom until the student trades them in for prizes.

Class Incentives: Hollis Grrrowl

When an entire class is caught being responsible, respectful or ready, the class can be given a Husky Grrrowl. Members of the Administration and Support Staff may issue an unlimited number of Husky Grrrowls based on the standards currently listed on the matrix.

After the teacher shares news of the Husky Grrrowl with the class, it should be displayed inside the classroom until the class collects five. Once ten Husky Grrrowls are collected, staple them together and place them inside the PBIS mailbox. We will then add the class' name to the bulletin board displayed outside the entrance to the cafeteria. The class' name will be moved up for every ten Husky Grrrowls that are accumulated.

Hollis Academy Matrix

  Responsible Respectful Ready
  • Keep the mirror, sink,
toilet, and floor clean
  • Allow others privacy
  • Use the bathroom only when necessary
Hallway/Stairwell • Walk quietly on the right
• Take one step at a time
• Walk with one hand on rail
in the stairwell.
• Speak only when given
• Greet others silently with
a wave
• Keep hands, feet, and all
objects to yourself
• Walk facing forward
• Walk/stand in the 2nd tile from
the wall
Cafeteria • Walk in a line
• Clean up after yourself
(Place trays in the service
• Pick up garbage and
clean up spills
• Stand quietly behind your
seat at lunch until directed
by the teacher to sit down
• Greet & thank the staff
• Silent during breakfast
• Use inside voice during
• Keep your hands, feet and
all objects to yourself
• Give lunch order
• Get milk and utensils
• Follow exiting procedures
given by the teacher
• Remain silent in the lunch line
Bus • Board & exit safely
• Sit where told
• Walk in front of the bus
(When Exiting)
• Greet bus driver
• Use inside voice
• Keep hands, feet, and all
objects to yourself
• Keep aisle clear
• Remain seated at all times
• Be prepared to board and exit
the bus at the appropriate time
Arrival Area • Enter at the appropriate
• Walk directly to your holding
area after breakfast
• Greet others silently with
a wave
• Follow directions of safety
patrols and teachers
• Arrive between 7:15 & 7:55
• Arrive before 7:40 to eat
Playground • Use playground equipment
as it was intended
• Bring in all items taken
• Take turns & include
• Keeps hands, feet and all
objects to yourself
• When whistle blows stop, look
& listen to your teacher
• Stay focused & participate in
organized activities
• Line up when the teacher
Dismissal Area • Gather all needed items
from the classroom before
go to holding area
• Walk directly to your
holding area
• Sit silently in your
holding area
• Exit through the
appropriate door
• Follow directions of safety
patrols and teachers
• Come when your name or
class is called the first time
Classroom • Be polite to others
• Be an active listener
• Keep hands, feet and
objects to self
• Manage your materials
and belongings
• Follow your teacher’s
• Complete assignments
• Enter the classroom quietly
and on time
• Line up quickly and quietly