Hollis Academy's Methods to Improve Academic Achievement for All Students


Hollis Academy focuses on a core curriculum aligned with Common Core, State Standards and District Curriculum Maps.  Instructional programs use research-based materials and resources to enhance the curriculum. Our research-based programs are supported by the following instructional models:

Balanced Literacy

Balanced Literacy is a framework designed to help all students learn to read and write effectively. The program stands firmly on the premise that all students can learn to read and write. This balance between reading and writing allows students to receive individualized teaching appropriate for their strengths and needs in literacy. Balanced Literacy is a model for teaching children in a student-centered classroom. It is based on the research of Marie Clay, Irene Fountas, and Gay Su Pinnell. Balanced Literacy classrooms focus on different types of reading experiences: read-aloud, shared reading, guided reading, reading conferences, and independent reading. The types of writing experiences include shared writing, interactive writing, guided writing, writing conferences and independent writing.  Additionally, during many daily reading and writing experiences, students are engaged in word study. Listening and speaking are also emphasized in this integrated language approach.  Differentiated Instruction accommodates the needs of different reading ability levels and learning styles within the classroom.

Response to Intervention (RTI)

RTI is a method of academic intervention to provide early, systematic assistance to children who are having difficulty learning. RTI seeks to prevent academic failure through early intervention, frequent progress monitoring, and increasingly intensive research-based instructional interventions. Reading tools and strategies are taught so children can become independent and successful readers on or above grade level.  A school-wide screening is done three times a year to qualify kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students for the program. Scott Foresman’s Early Reading Intervention (ERI) program is used with Kindergarten students. Leveled Literacy Intervention is used with our first and second graders.