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Principal's Weekly Message

This content is the embedded audio message from the principal.


Eastside Informational Video

Daily Bell Schedule Students and Staff

Daily Student Announcements

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Chromebooks @ EHS

Visit Our School Store

Chromebooks @ EHS

Bonds Career Center

Fine Arts Center

CTE Innovation Center

Official Online School Store

Official Online School Store

Official Online School Store

See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.


HOSA Meeting

HOSA club will meet on Wed. Feb 12th in room 217.

Black History Month Art Show

Students, we need your help! We’re putting together a Black History Month Art Show in the bus hallway and are looking for artwork by Black artists to display. If you have a piece—whether it’s something you created or a work by another Black artist—please reach out to Mr. Johnson or Mrs. Jackson.

Let’s celebrate Black artistry and creativity together!


Congratulations to Gagnado Diedhiou for placing second at District Congress and qualifying for the third year in a row to compete at the National Speech and Debate Tournament in Des Moines, IA.

Boys and Girls Volleyball Interest Meeting

Our EHS Volleyball Program will hold an Interest meeting for both the Boys and Girls teams on Thursday February 13th in the Media Center from 6-7 PM.

Senior Ad Deadline Extended!

Senior Parents! Did you miss the deadline for Senior Ads? We have extended the deadline to February 13th! This is a deal too sweet to miss! Payment plans are available for ads. After this date, we will not be able to accept any ads. 1/8 page is $95, 1/4 page is $175, a 1/2 page is $250, and a full page is $375.

Design Your Senior Ad

National English Honor Society Meeting

NEHS Meeting: February 11th, before school at 8:15 or after school at 3:40 in Room 103. Seniors, we'll be ordering cords, so please make sure you have completed all service hours prior to the meeting. Email Mrs. Lordemann or Mrs. Whaley with questions.

Dual Credit Education Classes

Any student who is interested in applying for dual credit education classes for next year should complete the application form on Ms. Stephens’s website by 11:59 p.m., Monday, 2/17/25. Please see Ms. Stephens (room 114) with any questions. There will be an informational meeting about these classes at 8:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. on Thursday, January 30 in room 114.

Education 1400 and 1500 Application

ACCESS Testing for English Language Learners

ACCESS Testing for English Language Learners (ELLs) will take place at Eastside High School from January 21 to March 7, 2025. Testing will begin at 9:00 a.m. each day. This test assesses English proficiency and helps identify the educational support needed for students who are learning English. All eligible ELL students must take the ACCESS test and will be notified of their specific testing dates. More information about ACCESS testing is available to parents on the South Carolina Department of Education’s website using the link below.

South Carolina Department of Education’s Website

Student Debt: You Can Now Pay Debt Via My School Bucks!

Did You Know You Can Pay Debt on MySchool Bucks? Please read the directions below FIRST!

(IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ THE directions linked directly below FIRST to pay correctly.)

CLICK HERE! READ FIRST!: DIRECTIONS for Paying Debt on My School Bucks

**Be aware that your student debt WILL NOT APPEAR when you log in to MySchoolBucks--you will have to manually add fees you owe to the "cart" using the correct category under the "DEBT" section (Science fee, ID, lost book, etc.). The directions linked above in red will tell you how to check your debt amount AND what categories to choose in My School Bucks for each type of debt. ALL DEBT must be paid to be eligible to purchase a parking permit or a Homecoming Dance ticket. 

Seat Time Recovery

Parents and Students: South Carolina law mandates that you have no more than 5 unexcused/unlawful absences from any semester-long class or over 3 unexcused/unlawful absences from any quarter-long class. If these unlawful absences are not made up, you WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT for this course. You are able to check your absences in BackPack.

To assist you with this issue, Eastside High School offers Seat Time Recovery (STR) options to help make up the seat time required for this class. These sessions begin on January 14th. Please see the attached sample Seat Time Recovery letter for full information.

Sample Seat Time Recovery Letter

EHS Student Parking

Construction on the new parking lot has concluded leading to additional availability for student parking. 

Any student (10th-12th grade only) who needs on campus parking must add their name to the parking wait list to be considered.  

Students will be emailed with procedures if/when they can purchase a pass.  Email Mr. Bradford if you have any questions.

2024-2025 EHS Student Parking Wait List

Eastside High Graduation 2025

Eastside High School’s Graduation Ceremony will be Friday, May 23rd, at 11:30 a.m. All graduations will be at Bon Secours Wellness Arena.

2025 High School Graduations

Seniors: Graduation Supplies

Seniors! Please visit the SC Herff Jones website to browse and purchase products for graduation. 

Herff Jones has partnered with several different companies to offer you a variety of products for graduation. As a reminder, all seniors need to order a cap, tassel, gown, and diploma cover at minimum. If you have any questions, please see your School Counselor.

SC Herff Jones Website

Middle School/Homeschool Athletic Insurance

Middle School/ Homeschool Athletic Insurance