
TA student, ages 6 to 17 years, is considered truant when the child has three (3) consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five (5) unlawful absences. The term “unlawful absence” shall refer to any absence without a written excuse, or any parent note after the five (5) per semester allowed.


Requirements for having Medication at School
* All medication must be brought to the Health room by a parent. Students should never have medication of any kind in their possession.
* Medication should be in the original container.
* Parent forms must be filled out and signed for all medication.
* A physician authorization form must be filled out for all prescription medications, as well as parent consent.
* No controlled pain medications will be given through the school health room.
* All inhalers require a physician’s authorization and the physician must authorize permission for the student to carry the inhaler.
* If you have questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse at 355-0107.

Use of Cell Phones/Approved Electronic Devices

A graphic showing a cellphone, headphone, smartwatch, and airpods with a red circular "NO" symbol over each. The text reads Electronic Device Policy, Electronic Devices are not allowed in the hallways, in the classroom, in the cafeteria. Electronic devices may only be used in the cafeteria before school and after school.

Beginning January 1, 2025

The new Greenville County Schools electronic device policy JCDA(R), mandated by the South Carolina Board of Education, aims to create a focused, distraction-free learning environment. 

Prohibited Devices from 8:45am-3:45pm

  • Cell phones
  • smartwatches
  • AirPods/earbuds 
  • Gaming devices
  • Other personal electronics

Usage Guidelines:

  • No devices allowed in classrooms or hallways during instructional time.
  • Devices may be used during lunch in the cafeteria for educational purposes only.
  • Outside the cafeteria, device usage requires teacher permission and must serve educational purposes only.

Consequences for Student Violations: 

  • First Infraction: Students receive school-level detention.
  • Second Infraction: Students receives In-School Suspension (ISS).
  • Third Infraction: Student receives Out-of-School Suspension (OSS).

Fall 2024 Policy

Cell phones are not allowed to be visible in the classroom. Cell phones must be removed from the students’ person and student desk. Cell phones may be used in the following areas:

  • In the Hallway during class change
  • Before School
  • During Lunch
  • After School

Headphones/earbuds in the classroom are only allowed at the teacher’s discretion. Headphones/earbuds are not allowed to be worn in the hallways. Headphones/earbuds may only be used in the following areas:

  • Before School-Cafeteria Only
  • During Lunch- Cafeteria Only
  • After School

The Administration will take appropriate disciplinary action.


BFor the purpose of the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy, the word “devices” will include laptops, notebooks, chrome books, smart phones, iPads, tablets and e-Readers. Please note that Nintendo DS (and/or gaming devices with internet access) is not permissible.

Wade Hampton High School uses instructional technology as one way of enhancing our mission to teach the skills, knowledge and behaviors students will need as responsible citizens in the global community. Students learn collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking in a variety of ways throughout the school day. In an effort to increase access to those 21st Century skills, WHHS will allow personal technology devices on school grounds for students who follow the responsibilities stated in the Acceptable Use Policy and the Guidelines regarding BYOD. 

SStudents and parents/guardians participating in BYOD must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Handbook, the Acceptable Use Policy, and all Board Policies.
Teachers will follow the school rules and provide direction to allow and regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom and on specific projects.
Approved devices must be in silent mode unless otherwise allowed by teacher.
Devices may not be used to cheat on assignments, quizzes, or tests, or for non-instructional purposes (such as making phone calls and text messaging).
Students may not use devices to record, transmit, or post photographic images or video of a person or persons on campus during school hours or during school activities, unless otherwise allowed by a teacher.
No student will be allowed to use their own device without submitting a waiver signed by both themselves and their parent/guardian.

From the 2024-2025 Student Handbook Page 36:
"You may only use personal mobile devices for approved BYOD activities.  Any written text, graphics or executable files created, downloaded, displayed, or exchanged with another student or teacher must be for education-related purposes only.  Do not bypass or attempt to bypass any of the District’s security or content filtering safeguards.  Do not use school computers for commercial purposes.  Follow copyright laws at all times.  "