Monday, February 10, 2025
What is Dual-Enrollment?
Dual-enrollment (DE) offers high school students the opportunity to enroll in college level course work while still in high school. Students are able to earn both college and high school credit. Dual Credit courses receive an additional +1 weight for student GPAs.
How do I qualify for Dual-Enrollment?
Students have 2 options to qualify for Dual-Enrollment. Both options are explained below:
·The Accuplacer exam is a series of tests that evaluate a variety of skills. These exams are used by colleges / universities around the country to determine a best fit for academic coursework. Each DE course requires a specific Accuplacer score.
·The Accuplacer exam is administered at both Southside High School and Greenville Tech. SHS will administer the exam twice per year. Students can also take the exam at Greenville Tech. Students who take the exam at Greenville Tech must provide documentation of their score to either Dr. McGaha or their school counselor.
·The Accuplacer may be taken twice without restrictions. If, after taking the exam twice the student still does not have a qualifying score, the student will need to complete a Test for Success Workshop through Greenville Tech.
Multiple Measures:
Students may also qualify for DE courses using their previous course grades and GPA. A full outline of Multiple Measures can be found here.
Dual-Enrollment Course Selection:
Southside High School currently offers English 101 / 102 and Math 111 / 112 on our campus. Students are also able to take a DE class directly through Greenville Tech. A list of classes available for students can be found here.
Students taking Dual Enrollment classes as part of their program at Donaldson Career Center should discuss their courses with the counselor there.
Dual-Enrollment Forms
Students MUST complete the forms noted below:
Greenville County Dual Enrollment Form