Pay Student Debts
Pay Student Debt Online
Did you know you can pay your student's debt online anytime using MySchoolBucks? The system has a guest checkout feature, so you don't even need a log-in or password!
When your student receives a debt notice, please pay close attention to what the lost/damaged item is and the exact amount due. You will need this information prior to entering the MySchoolBucks site. The system will not reflect your student's personal debts.
Any fees not paid will follow your student throughout their time in Greenville County Schools and may impact future privileges (high school parking passes, prom tickets, etc). If you have located any items listed as lost, we encourage you to return the item so the fee can be waived!
Note: MySchoolBucks funds added to or available in lunch accounts cannot be applied to debts listed below.
Please select the appropriate link below to instantly pay your student's debt online:
Lost / Damaged Chromebooks & Chargers
Lost / Damaged Lock for Student Locker
Lost / Damaged Lock for PE Locker
Debt for Replacement ID (Fine Assessed as Part of Northwood Discipline Matrix)