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News & Announcements

Clases de Ingles

Para clases en inglés o servicios de idiomas haga clic aquí:

Clases de Ingles


Registration Information and Application

We are now accepting new and returning students for our Adult Education GED and high school diploma programs.

For the 2024-2025 school year, we will have in-person classes at our following locations: Sullivan Center in Greenville, Family Foothills Center in Marietta, and Greenville Tech's Benson Campus in Taylors. 

Once your information is submitted, someone from our office will contact you to schedule an appointment for your orientation. A $60.00 class fee must be paid when you attend orientation, faliure to pay this fee means that you will not be able to attend the orientation. 

It is very important that you use the correct link below for us to process your information quickly.

Registration link for students who are new or who have applied before June 30th 2023T


Registration link for students who applied after July 1, 2023

Nota: Este enlace de registro no es para servicios de ESL o clases de ingles. 

Note: This registration link is not for ESL services or classes to learn English. 

Thank you for your interest in Lifelong Learning, and we are proud of the fact that you are ready to begin your new journey with us!

If you are not sure of what link to use, or if you have any questions, please call 864.355.6067.  

WIN Testing

WIN Testing is now being offered at our site. If you are interested, or in need, of WIN testing please use the link below to register: 

If you have questions or need assistance please contact Maria (864.355.6089) or Janet (864.355.6057) in our main office.

Work Keys Testing for Potential Greenville County School Employees

Work Keys Testing is available for Greenville County Schools prospective employees.  Please complete this form and our office will EMAIL you to set a date for your test. 

If you have any questions, please call Greenville County School's Human Resource department at 864.355.1276

Virtual Wellness Room

Keep Calm Cat

Feeling Stressed? Need to relax?

Need a mindful moment?

Try out the Lifelong Learning Virtual Wellness Room by clicking the link below.

Lifelong Learning Virtual Wellness Room