Welcome to the Hughes Academy Attendance Homepage

Attendance Clerk: Melissa Miller 

Telephone Number: (864)355-6201

Email: shecoleman@greenville.k12.sc.us

Fax Number: (864)355-6275

School starts promptly at 8:30 a.m. and dismissal is at 3:15 p.m.

If your student arrives to school after 8:30 a.m., they will be given a tardy pass to enter their class.

Greenville County School District Attendance Law - Booklet for Parents

Absences -  Please send a note (parent note or doctor’s note) to the school office with your student after any absence. You can also email me at shecoleman@greenville.k12.sc.us.   Students are allowed 10 days excused by parent notes each school year and an unlimited number of doctor’s notes.  A student has to be in attendance at school more than 3 hours (180 minutes) to be counted as present for the day.  If your student is under an Attendance Court Order, please keep in mind that your student is not allowed any absences from school (unless a doctor’s note is provided to the school), tardies or suspensions. Absences due to a recognized holiday of the student’s faith has to be written by the parent/guardian and turned in to the office or email to me.

Bereavement (Death in family) absences – Please email/turn in the program from the service or the obituary to be allowed 3 days excused from school as bereavement days. If the program or the obituary is not turned in, parent notes (not to exceed 10 for the school year) are used if the school is notified and if the school is not notified the absences will be unexcused absences.   

Chronic Absences – After a student has used all 10 parent notes allowed per school year and continues to accrue absences, an intervention with the parent/guardian and the student will be held at the school.  This is a mandatory meeting to make any necessary changes to make sure that the student’s attendance improves.  After this point if the student continues to accrue absences, a referral will be made to the District Attendance Supervisor who will schedule an intervention with the parent/guardian and the student at which time a referral may or may not be made to DSS.  If absences do not improve after that point, the District Attendance Supervisor may refer the parent/guardian and student to Family Court at which time an Attendance Court Order will be issued stating the student is mandated to attend school unless they provide a doctor’s note for any absences after that point. This order is in place until the student is 17 years of age and the student is to have no absences, tardies or suspension until that time. Violations of an Attendance Court Order can be against the student and/or the student’s parents/guardians. This could result in fines, jail time for the parent/guardian or placement of the student at a juvenile detention facility for up to 90 days. **Please see the attached Greenville County School District Attendance Law Booklet for Parents .**

Early Dismissals – The parent/guardian will be required to come into the office to sign out their student. ID will be checked for confirmation prior to the student being called out of class. No early dismissals are allowed after 2:45 p.m.