
Math Department Information

We at Greenville Senior High Academy of Law, Finance, and Business are keenly aware that a good mathematical background is needed for the best positions in nearly every field. Success will enable our students to go on to other academic mathematics courses needed for higher education and promising careers.

Our desire as teachers is for every student to reach his or her potential. We are dedicated to providing quality education by involving students in the learning process, developing in students a responsibility towards education, and making learning enjoyable.

Tips on How to Succeed in Math

Be in Class - This seems all too obvious, but always remember it is difficult to succeed when behind.
Focus - Activate your mind. Take notes. Ask relevant questions. It is difficult to succeed when distracted.
Be Positive - You have all the necessary tools in your head for success. Tap into them. It is difficult to succeed when negative.
Work Hard - Nothing worthwhile in life ever comes easy. Complete your homework. Study for tests. It is difficult to succeed when lazy.
Be Helpful - One of the best ways to learn is to explain a procedure to someone else. Be friendly. It is difficult to succeed when selfish.
Bring Materials - You NEED to bring your Chromebook, pencil, and notebook (this will include all notes and homework assignments). It is difficult to succeed when empty-handed.
Value Learning - You will have new things to learn the rest of your life - might as well enjoy it. We are constantly learning. It's a lifelong process. It is difficult to succeed when condemning education.

Extra Help

If your child needs extra help with a portion of his or her math class, please encourage them to let their teacher know. Teachers will be glad to assist any student at a time which is suitable for both. Students should advise the teacher of any needs in advance and not wait until the day before a quiz or test to ask for help.