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Upcoming Events

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Rising 6th Grade Night


The Sneaker Ball


Tickets are $5: Sold during lunch on Tuesday – Thursday
No tickets can be purchased the night of the dance
In order to purchase a ticket and attend, scholars:
Cannot have more than 4 NHIs
Cannot be given OSS on the day of the dance
Must have their REAL Student ID Badge to enter the dance

Shared Ownership Survey Due Feb 14th

Shared Ownership Survey Due Feb 14th

(For Parents/Guardians of Scholars with an IEP)


Greenville County Schools is undergoing a Shared Ownership Strategic Review Process, a review of special education services for students with disabilities. Among the first steps in the process is gathering input from GCS families through a survey. Every parent or guardian of a GCS student with an IEP is invited to take the Shared Ownership Survey. Please complete the survey by February 14th. To take the survey or learn more about the entire review process, visit the district’s website


Las Escuelas del Condado de Greenville están pasando por un Proceso de Revisión Estratégica de Responsabilidad Compartida, una revisión de los servicios de educación especial para estudiantes con discapacidades. Uno de los primeros pasos del proceso es recopilar retroalimentación de las familias de GCS a través de una encuesta. Todos los padres o tutores de un estudiante de GCS con un IEP están invitados a realizar la Encuesta de responsabilidad compartida. Complete la encuesta antes del 14 de febrero. Para realizar la encuesta u obtener más información sobre todo el proceso de revisión, visite el sitio web del distrito.

ACCESS Testing Dates

UPDATED 2024-2025 Berea Dress Code

Dress Code - English and Spanish