Upcoming Events

See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.


Mauldin High School Football D Team Meeting

Mauldin High Football is now recruiting for next year's D Team. Any rising 7th or 8th grade student who is zoned for Mauldin High is eligible to try out. There will be an informational meeting on March 25 at 6:00 pm in the Mauldin High Auditorium. Click here for more information. 

Firebird Fun Run

Thanks to everyone who raised funds for and participated in the Fun Run this year. We had a great week and lots of fun at the event! Thanks to our Platinum Sponsor, Sylvan Learning for their support. We can't wait until next year! Still want to contribute? Go to the PTSA Store Site to make donationsSylvan Learning Center

6th Grade Field Trip to Roper Mountain

6th Grade students will be attending Roper Mountain Science Center for a field trip which includes three engaging 55-minute learning labs: Crater Chronicles, Cellular Collapse, and Bones From the Blast.

During this experience, students will become paleontologist apprentices, investigating how asteroid impacts, volcanic eruptions, and other catastrophic events have shaped Earth's history. They will analyze fossils, examine present life forms, and model geoscience processes to explore mass extinctions and Earth’s dynamic changes over time.

Green Community: Monday April 21  
Red Community: Tuesday April 22 
Blue Community: Wednesday April 23

Cost: $3.00
Make payments by clicking here.

Buy Your Fisher Yearbook Today!

yearbook purchasePurchase your Fisher yearbook today! The cost is $45, and you can add a personalized name plate for an additional $5. Click here to place your order. Fisher's job number is 20893.