Yearbook Staff

The yearbook staff members are chosen based on teacher recommendations.  Students must be highly recommended by all teachers and provide good samples on their application to be considered. 

After completing one year as a member, Mrs. Hendley decides who will do a good job as editor, section editors, and business manager the following year.  She chooses these students based on attitude, productivity, work ethic, and their hardcopy work.

Section editors each manage one of the four sections of the yearbook:  student life, sports, academics, and people.  They edit all pages in their sections before the layouts move on to the editors. 

The editors look over all pages, set deadlines, decide the book's layout, assign pages, and manage the members' work. 

The business manager creates and receipts all senior ads and business ads, and keeps track of yearbook sales. 

All staff members are required to sell $400.00 worth of business ads from June-November.

Mrs. Hendley