Upcoming Events

See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.


Parent Resources

This is an incredibly difficult time for our school community, and we understand that your child may have many questions or emotions in response to this tragedy. To help you have open conversations with your child, we are providing a list of resources that may help guide these discussions that are linked below.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you feel your child needs additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting our students through this challenging time.

Parent Guide Navigating Discussion

What Not To Say (6 min video)

What Not To Say (Summary PDF)

Parent Guide: Talking About Violence

Parent Guide: Talking About Violence (Spanish)

Concepts of Death

After a Loved One Dies (available in 9 languages)

Grief Support for Children with Intellectual and Neurodevelopment Disabilities

Coalition to Support Grieving Students

Guest Anchor Opportunities on ENN

Guest Anchor  

Our school has a morning news show, The Eagle News Network (ENN), that is hosted and produced by our students. Being an ENN crew member is only open to 5th grade students through an audition process, but this year we are opening up a guest anchor opportunity for any student. This is a way for our news show to fundraise for this program while giving your child the chance to test out this opportunity for the future!

If you think your child would like to be on the news for a day, simply follow the steps at our Guest Anchor Sign Up Form. Limited dates are available and will be removed once reserved. We will do our best to record the episode for you to watch from home!

ENN Guest Anchor Flyer

Attractions Books for Beta Club

Attraction Books  

Our fifth grade Beta Club students will be traveling to compete in the South Carolina Beta Club Convention. Beta Club students are working hard to sell coupon books to raise funds for their trip. Since the Attractions Coupon Books are so amazing, we wanted to give everyone a chance to purchase theirs for the upcoming year through our Beta Club. If you would like to purchase a book to help out our club's general convention funds, please scan the QR code or purchase from our Attractions Book Page (Use EZPay Code: BCBETA). This will direct you to Mrs. Boyd's seller page. Coupon books will be given out every couple weeks throughout the fund raiser. The final date to order will be Friday, October 25.  Please contact Mrs. Boyd with any questions.

Attractions Books Flyer

Purchase a Shout Out for Your Child on Our Morning News Show

Shout Out

Do you or your child want to give someone a shout out? Maybe someone has been a good friend, achieved a special accomplishment, or is having a birthday this week? Purchase a Shout Out CAMEO! Your child can appear LIVE on our news show for their shoutout! Complete this Shout Out Form and send $3 to school in an envelope labeled ENN Shout Out to have your submission read on air during our morning news show, with your child in attendance.  (Appearances are optional.) We do our best to record all of our news episodes so that you can watch from home.


Eagle News Shout Out Form

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