Testing at RMS will take place on the dates below, and all students will participate. It’s important for students to arrive on time, be well-rested, and are ready to do their best. We encourage parents to ensure their child has a good night’s sleep, eats a nutritious breakfast, and brings a fully charged Chromebook. Contact Ms. Oxendine (355-7911) or Mrs. Faulk (355-7913) if you have any questions. Thank you!
Monday, April 28th - SC Ready ELA Writing for grades 6-8
Thursday, May 1st - SC Ready ELA Reading Part A for grades 6-8
Friday, May 2nd - SC Ready ELA Reading Part B for grades 6-8
Tuesday, May 6 - SC Ready Mathematics for grades 6-8
Tuesday, May 13 - SC Ready Science for grade 6 & Algebra I EOC Exam for grade 8 Algebra
We are excited to share some of the great things happening at Riverside Middle School as well as an overview of our curriculum and the upcoming registration process for our rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. The slideshows linked below provide information regarding our course offerings for the coming year, registration details, video clips from our teachers and administrators, a video tour of RMS, our library, and more! Feel free to take a look at our School Counseling website for additional registration and helpful information.
Rising 7th and 8th Grade Overview
Please pay ONLY the amount listed on the Student Obligation Form that was mailed with report cards.
Pay Chromebook Damage Fines on MySchoolBucks
Pay Lost Charger Fines on MySchoolBucks
Pay Lost or Damaged Library Book Fines on MySchoolBucks