The role of SIC :

  • Advisory council to the principal.
  • Assist in improving parent involvement.
  • Serve as an outreach to the community.
  • Monitor and assist school improvement.
  • Provide feedback from the community.

Agenda and Minutes from our Monthly Meetings:

  • September
  • October 
  • November
  • December
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May

SIC Members:

  • Parents - Susan Franz, Emily Raines, Todd Martin, Alex Timmons, Hillary Dobson, Cassidy Ethridge, Jenny Salle', Amy Wright
  • Community Members - William Castro,  Rusty Duncan, John Laderer, Stephanie Thomas, Bert Watts
  • Teachers - Sela Estelle, Lorrie Dodson
  • Instructional Leadership Team - Lakisha Cook, Emily Gerard, Jeremy Watts, Shannon Hever, Izzy Snider

"Traditions of Excellence"