Rescheduled Dates
Due to inclement weather and school closures the following events have been rescheduled:
PSAT- Moved to October 16th
Job Shadowing- Moved to October 16th
Homecoming Football Game and Dance- tentatively scheduled for October 18th and 19th
Financial Aid Night
Hillcrest High School is hosting a Financial Aid Night on October 9th at 6pm for students attending Hillcrest, Mauldin, and Fountain Inn. The free, educational workshop is being given by the College Funding Coach. Please register using the QR code on the flyer:
Miles for Smiles 5K
Join us on Saturday, October 12th for a 5K benefiting our Spirit Week Charity, Clement's Kindness!
Veterans of Foreign Wars Voice of Democracy Scholarship
All students are encouraged to apply for The Voice of Democracy scholarship for $35,000. Applicants will be required to submit a written and recorded essay on the theme "Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?" The entry deadline is Oct. 31 and applications are located in the Counseling Office.
College Board Testing Information
Several important College Board exams such as the PSAT, SAT, and AP Exams will take place throughout the year at Mauldin High School. Click the button below for dates and additional information.
MHS College Board Testing Info.
Athletic Insurance
Reminder athletic insurance must be paid before a student is allowed to compete. Current Mauldin High School students should purchase athletic insurance through My School Bucks. Middle School and Home School students should use the link below to purchase GCS Athletic Insurance:
Middle School & Home School Student Athletic Insurance
Schedule your Senior Portrait!
Seniors- it is time to schedule your senior portrait! Images will be at Mauldin High School July 18, 22, 23, 24, 30. Images will also offer appointments at their studio June 10- October 18th. Please see the link below to schedule your appointment time in advance, noting that some appointments are at Mauldin High and some are at the Images Studio. There is a $20 sitting fee.
Schedule Your Senior Portrait!
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