Late/Redo/Retest Policy Guidelines:

Late Work 

Greenville County Schools is committed to Building a Better Graduate by creating college and career ready students. As such, students must develop character traits that align with workplace expectations. Some examples of these include responsibility, strong work ethic, and self-direction. Students are expected to give their best effort when completing assignments and should strive to complete them by the due date. Students are expected to turn in ALL assignments and should never have a Not Handed In (NHI) recorded in the grade book. Extra opportunities are available for students to make up work through ROAR, tutoring times, and at other times designated by the teacher. Late work will be accepted during the unit of study or within 5 days of the completion of the unit of study. Points will not be deducted for late work.


Retake/Redo/Revise Expectations 

Since the goal is for students to master content and skills, students will be allowed to retake/redo major tests only; however, students must commit to doing their part in preparing for the re-test. Students must initiate the request to retake/redo a test within 5 days of receiving the grade on the test. Students are allowed to retake/redo a major test one time. The student must complete a BRMS Request to Retest form, which can be found in the teacher’s Google classroom, and submit the form to the teacher. The form must be signed by the parent and student prior to being submitted. Following a re-test, the higher grade will be recorded in the grade book.


Test Retake Form.