Posted: Friday, October 17, 2014

In an abundance of caution, our district has developed a plan to address concerns about the possible spread of Ebola in the United States, a virus that has created significant world-wide concerns. We have gathered information from the Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health and Environmental Control, and other sources, to help make our schools as safe as possible. While no active cases of the Ebola virus have been reported in our state or across our region, it is wise to be proactive in this important matter.

Effective October 20, parents/guardians of new enrollees to our school district will be asked a series of questions, which are designed to determine whether or not family members have been in a location that has been impacted by the Ebola virus. Any student identified as a health risk through that screening process will not be enrolled, pending a medical clearance. The intent is to protect our students and employees to the greatest extent possible.

Personnel at the school level will be provided, on or before October 20, with additional information and protocols from the Department of Health and Environmental Control and the Centers for Disease Control.

Good communication, factual knowledge about the Ebola virus and common sense will serve us well as we all deal with this health concern. Greenville County Schools will continue to work to keep our schools as safe as possible for everyone involved in our system.

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