Brook Glenn Photo Galleries and Student Work

Heart Designs
Art Swapping
Aboriginal Lizards Snowy Silhouette
Kindergarteners and first graders studied artist Jim Dine and created their own heart design For the month of March Brook Glenn and Washington Center are swapping art with each other.  4th graders created their own Aboriginal Lizards 3rd grade studied Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night
Stop Motion Tacky the Penguin The Rainbow Fish Warm & Cool Trees
Mrs. Metzger's 3rd grade class was able to experience Stop Motion with Mrs. Tarr and Mrs. Jones.  Students read aloud the Tacky the Penguin series and created a collage painting of a penguin. First Grade read aloud Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.  Fifth Grade studied value, shape, color, lines and texture.
A Visit from the Firemen Veteran's Day @ Brook Glenn 3rd Grade Movement
Teacher ReadAloud

 The Taylors firemen visited Brook Glenn Elementary on Thursday, Oct. 7th  

At Brook Glenn, students and staff were honored to have veterans participate in a school wide Veteran's Day program. Third grade students studied lines in movement and created their own lines in movement designs To celebrate, World Read Aloud Day we put on a Teacher Read Aloud Talent Show! 

Pep Family Night

Our World According to Humphrey Winter Concert One School One Book
On Wednesday, July 17th Public Education Partners sponsored its annual Family Reading Night at Brook Glenn.
Brook Glenn hosted its first One Book/One School program, "The World According to Humphrey" by Betty Birney.   Parents, students and faculty gathered on Monday, December 9th and Tuesday December 10th at North Hills for its Winter Concert.   On Monday September 9th Brook Glenn launched its very first One School One Book