Visual Arts

Welcome to the GCS District Art Show Websites! Elementary, Middle School, and High school students from over 90 schools in Greenville County have worked hard to create the amazing art exhibited in this show. We are excited to share with you the artistic accomplishments of the student artists in Greenville County Schools. 

This year has been unprecedented. Our art teachers have taught students virtually, in the classroom, and sometimes both at the same time with many limitations to materials and processes. Out of adversity, artists often become the most creative. This year’s limitations have forged creative solutions to teaching such a hands-on subject. These limitations have also sparked creative fires in our students’ approaches to making their art as well.

We have incredibly talented and resilient students throughout our district! We are extremely proud of the work that has been accomplished.  

This year, we celebrate the arts! We celebrate our students! We celebrate our teachers!  


The arts have a profound, positive impact on a student’s life.
A comprehensive public arts education is a right.
All students deserve the opportunity to participate in a high quality arts program.
Students deserve equitable access to artistic educational opportunities.
Students must have highly qualified and caring arts teachers and administrators.