Reasons to Take a Summer GCVSP Course

Over the past ten years, GCVSP has offered high school courses in summer term to students in rising grades 7 through 12. We have learned much about what courses students need, what they like to take in summer, and what they are successful completing in this very short seven week term. (If a student needs to repeat a class, there are options such as VirtualSC Credit Recovery, that are less costly and less time-consuming than GCVSP.) If a student wants to take a summer GCVSP class, these are the most popular reasons and therefore, students are generally more successful taking one or more of these courses.

  1. PE 1 - This class is a "singleton" course for the HS diploma that, if taken in summer, can be removed from the student's academic plate to make room for other courses.
  2. Computer Science credit class - The class is a "singleton" course for the HS diploma that, if taken in summer, can be removed from the student's academic plate to make room for other courses. GCVSP offers Fundamentals of Computing, Discovering Computer Science, Web Page Design, and Computer Programming 1 in summer to fulfill this credit.
  3. Adv. Personal Finance - This class is also a "singleton" course for the HS diploma, if taken in summer, can be removed from the student's academic plate to make room for other courses.  In Fall and Spring terms, the course is offered in a one-unit semester version, and also in a "Fast Track" version which awards one unit in a 9 week quarter (QTR 1, 2, 3, 4)
  4. Graphic Design/Fine Arts - The Commission on Higher Education requires a "singleton" of one unit of Fine Arts for students applying to South Carolina colleges. This class satisfies that requirement.
  5. Spanish 3 - Most South Carolina colleges require a third world language and this course fulfills that requirement. (offered in CP & Honors)
  6. The HS diploma requires from 5-7 electives. GCVSP offers many solid, real-world based electives that will serve in making the student more well-rounded and successful in their future personal and professional lives. GCVSP offers Adv. Personal Finance, Cyber Citizenship, Digital Publication Design, Creative Writing, and Sports Marketing.
  7. Middle school students who took high school courses in middle school like Algebra 1, Geometry, Spanish 1 or English 1 can retake these classes for a higher grade in summer with no transcript penalty - if they are willing to put in the time and energy to complete an 18 week course in 6-7 weeks in summer.