2024-25 Profile*

Greer Middle
3032 E. Gap Creek Rd.
Greer , SC 29651
Telephone: (864) 355-5800
Fax: (864) 355-5880
Grades: 6th - 8th Grades
Enrollment: 1037
School Location: 3032 East Gap Creek Road next door to Greer High School
Principal: Stephanie Lackey
Email: slackey@greenville.k12.sc.us
Awards and Honors
- 2019 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year (Susan McCoy)
- 2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2016-2017, 2015-2016 Honors Band earned Superior with Distinction at the State Concert Performance Assessment
- 2018-2019, 2017-2018 Band earned Outstanding Performance Award
- 2017-2018 Chorus earned Excellent at the State Concert Performance Assessment
- 2016-2017 Honor Band and Honor Choir earned Excellent Rating at Festival Disney
- 2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2016-2017, 2015-2016 Orchestra earned Excellent Rating at Carowinds Festival of Music
- 2017-2018, 2015-2016 Orchestra earned a Superior Rating at the State Concert Performance Assessment
- 2016-2017 Orchestra earned an Excellent Rating at the State Concert Performance Assessment
- 2018-2019 Beta Club Quiz Bowl 2nd Place Finish at the State Convention
- 2017-2018, 2016-2017 Girls’ Volleyball Greenville County Runner-Up
- 2018-2019, 2017-2018 1st place GCS middle school and 2nd place in GCS overall for United Way Donations
- 2017-2018 Most presentations accepted at Upstate Technology Conference
- 2016-2017, 2017-2018 Geography Bee State Finalist
- 2016-2017 Girls’ Basketball Region Champions
- 2016-2017 Boys’ Basketball Region Champions and Greenville County Runner-Up
- 2016-2017, 2015-2016 Boys’ Soccer Region Champions

For a closer look...
For more in-depth information on this school including programs, course offerings, extracurricular activities, and more - visit www.greenville.k12.sc.us/greerms/
If you would like information about the School Report Card rating, visit the State Department of Education Website, screportcards.com.
For more information, call INFOLine at 864-355-3100, visit our website at www.greenville.k12.sc.us.

Air conditioned building constructed in 2000 • 9 science labs • 6 computer labs • Band/Strings/Choral room • Interactive Promethean Board in all classrooms •
4 tennis/basketball courts • baseball/softball/football/soccer fields •All weather track
Faculty Profile
- Administrators: 3
- Teachers/Professional Staff: 72
- Support Staff: 33
Outstanding Features/Programs
- High School Credit Classes (Algebra I, English I, Geometry, Spanish I, Virtual PE, Virtual Cyber Citizenship, Virtual Sports Marketing/Finance)
- Release Time with Greer Christian Leadership Center
- Capturing Kids’ Hearts
- Upstate Writing Project
- Student Council
- Leadworthy
- OnTrack
- Beta Club
- Drama Club
- Heart and Sole
- Duke Talent Identification Program
- D-Team Football/Middle School Athletics Program
- Intramurals
- Gateway to Technology Pre-Engineering Program
- Student Ambassador Program
- Yearbook
- Drama Club
- Junior Scholars