
Cap and Gown Photos

Seniors! Take Professional Cap and Gown photos with the same Studio that took your formal Yearbook Portrait. Sign up at the link below. 

**Please note, this is different than the formal portraits around the building being offered by the Yearbook staff.

Sign Up link for Cap and Gown Portraits

Spring Plant Sale

Image is multiple pictures of flowers and the FFA National Logo

Our FFA Sponsored Spring Plant Sale is coming up! The dates are as follows: 

Friday, 4/11/25 - 9:00am - 5:00pm & 

Saturday, 4/12/25 - 9:00am - 12:00pm

The sale will continue each day during school hours until all plants have been sold. Please remember HHS Ag. Department can only accept cash or checks made out to HHS. Prices range from $1 - $12 for plants and flowers. Please check the HHS Socials for specific offerings and prices. 

Hillcrest High School Greenhouses thank you for your loyalty and support!

'25-'26 Mandatory Parking Pass Meeting

Image is black, red, white, and gray with the words "Mandatory Parking Meeting"

In order to apply and possibly receive a parking pass for the 2025-26 school year, students must attend one of the MANDATORY parking meetings on April 1st, 3rd, 9th, or 15th. All meetings will be held in the Auditorium and offered at 8 AM - 8:30 AM, as well as 3:50 PM - 4:20 PM. On April 15th a meeting will be held during Advisory. Current Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors who have a license or will have a license by July 1st are encouraged to attend a meeting and apply. 

Summer 2025 LaunchGVL Application and Resources

Golden Strip Career Center has fantastic opportunities available for your rising Juniors and rising Seniors across a variety of career pathways including some brand-new positions. Please take a moment to check out these opportunities; even if a role isn’t a perfect match, the experience gained can build valuable, transferable skills that support both personal and professional growth. Click the link below for the Resource Folder which includes graphics for social media and internal communications, a recorded information session from August, and a promo video. More resources will be added later this week.

Folder Link


Apply to be our spotlighted CHARITY!

Apply at the link below to be our Charity for next year's Spirit Week! 

Charity Application

JUNIORS! Apply Now!

Applications due March 26th!

image is yellow and blue with the Michelin man on it. and the words

Link for Application Packet

Affordable Senior Portraits

SENIORS! Sign up for affordable portaits around the school at the link below! Choose your date before it is taken. Only $50!

Picture is black with red writing and 3 photos of students at different HHS locations.

Sign up form for Portraits

Technology Reminder!

Image is white with red border and just say no circles around black technology icons.

Senior Garden Flags!

Image is black with multiple garden flags on it and writing in white.

Order your Garden Flags today by filling out the form, now including SENIOR 2025 FLAGS!

Garden Flag Order Form

Earn EASY money for your student's Club or Sport!!

Image is white with green money and black words.

eLearning Guide

eLearning Guide in English and Spanish

Semester 2 Lunch Schedule

Semester 2 Lunch Schedule

Senior Parent Meeting

Did you miss the Parent Meeting for Seniors? Click on the link below for the slideshow with important dates and information!

Seniors Slideshow

Message from GCSD Superintendent

image is orange and green with the information in black.

Please click the link for the official message from the Greenville County School District Superintendent.

Message from the Superintendent

NHS Selection Process

Take a look at the info link for information on the National Honor Society selection process!   

NHS Selection Process

General Parking Pass Waitlist

Parking Pass Waitlist Sign Up 

Student Handbook

Image is white with a black book and white ram head.

View/Download Student Handbook


Image is white with a black calendar and a blue arrow pointing to a QR code.

Seniors! Make sure to pay your dues in time to have access to all upcoming Senior fun!

Pay Senior Dues 

See Something. Say Something.

Upcoming Events


image is the Follett icon with ornange and blue coloring.

Spotlight on HHS

Connect with Us

Facebook icon Twitter Icon Instagram Icon YouTube Icon Image is the logo for Tiktok

Our Mission Statement

Hillcrest High School is an inclusive and engaging learning community dedicated to individual and collective growth.

Our Vision Statement

Hillcrest High School will cultivate a legacy of academic and individual excellence to empower lifelong learners who face challenges with integrity and confidence.


Other Information

Poster is while with red and black writing and a backpack explaining the GCSD Cell Phone Policy.See Something, Say Something