Literacy Day is right around the corner. We are gearing up for a great week leading up to the day celebrating all things literacy!
Parents - please sign up to help volunteer for our annual Literacy Day! Consider donating items for our Woot Woot room for staff on this day.
MAP Testing for 1st grade students will be on Tuesday, March 4 and Wednesday, March 5.
March 4 - Reading Test
March 5 - Math Test
Makeup tests will be scheduled until March 13. If you have any questions, please contact Victoria Schwartz.
Welcome Sara Collins Scouts!
We are so excited to have you join us for another incredible year at Sara Collins.
Please read over the Arrival and Dismissal Procedures to ensure student safety at Sara Collins.
We understand that some children need to carry a cellphone, smartwatch, or other smart device for before and after school communication. However, students do not need them during the day. We have a “bell to bell – no cellphone” expectation.
The cell phone or smart device must be kept in your child’s backpack during school hours and/or while in the school building.
First offense: Verbal warning
Second offense: Parent phone call
Third Offense: Parent/Teacher Conference (administration attendance possible)
Fourth Offense: Disciplinary Referral