Spring Testing Schedule
Spring testing for all students will take place on the dates listed below. To help students perform their best, it's important that they arrive on time, well-rested, and ready to focus. Parents, you can support your child by ensuring they get a good night's sleep, eat a nutritious breakfast, and bring a fully charged Chromebook each testing day. Thank you for your support!
Tuesday, April 29 – SC READY ELA Reading Part A (Grades 6-8)
Wednesday, April 30 – SC READY ELA Reading Part B (Grades 6-8)
Tuesday, May 6 – SC READY Mathematics (Grades 6-8)
Thursday, May 8 – SC READY ELA Writing (Grades 6-8)
Tuesday, May 13 – SC READY Science (Grade 6) & Algebra I EOC Exam (Grade 8 Algebra students)
Let’s work together to set students up for success!
Job Shadowing
All students are invited to participate in Job Shadowing on Mon, April 14, 2025! Please review the parent letter that was sent home at the beginning of March outlining additional details and requirements of Job Shadowing. Once you have secured a Job Shadowing site, please fill out the parent permission form linked below. The form is due by Mon, April 7, 2025. Please reach out to one of the School Counselors with any questions!
Job Shadowing Parent Permission Form
Self-Paced eLearning on Fri, March 14
Friday, March 14, 2025, is a Teacher Workday and Self-Paced eLearning Day for Students. Students and teachers will not need to be online for these makeup days; teachers will provide students with assignments that can be completed within five school days upon return to school, by March 28 (15 calendar days due to Spring Break). Students should check their Google Classroom sites for assignments.
Full information about self-paced eLearning days due to Hurricane Helene
Reserve Your Copy of the Yearbook Now!
Reserve your copy of the 2024-25 yearbook now!
In order to guarantee a yearbook, please your orders now! Yearbooks are available for $50 until all are sold out.
Jostens Website | Reserve Your Copy of the 2024-25 Yearbook
2025 Parent School Climate Survey
It's time to complete the 2025 Parent School Climate Survey!
Parents of GCSD students may access the School Climate survey via the "Backpack for Parents" site. Then visit the "My Students" page. We value your feedback and greatly appreciate your input! Survey deadline: April 11, 2025
• Parent/Guardian school climate survey responses are reported, not rated for the state report card.
• All families of public-school students may complete one parent survey for each of their students.
• Parents of students in any grade may complete a survey. This includes 4K, 5K, and students in grades 1-2.
• All questions/statements must have a response. For those questions/statements not applicable or the respondent has no opinion, the response “No Answer” should be selected.
WHHS Musical Theater Camp
Wade Hampton High School will host a Musical Theatre Camp this summer!
When: June 16-19, 2025
Where: WHHS Auditorium
Who: Rising 3rd-9th graders
Cost: $200 (child 1) / $150 (siblings)
Musical Theater Camp Flyer
Musical Theater Camp Registration
GoFan: Digital Athletic Tickets
Digital tickets are now available for purchase on GoFan for 2024-25 basketball games! Purchase your digital tickets now so you can skip the lines at the gate and avoid last-minute stops at the ATM. Get ready to support your Knights and visit our GoFan page to view upcoming events:
Visit the Northwood GoFan website to purchase today!
You may also download the GoFan App from Apple Store or GoFan App from Google Play and search for Northwood Middle, Taylors, SC
Or, you may scan the QR code located at the ticket table on the night of the event.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Step-by-step guide to purchase tickets
Step-by-step guide to transfer tickets
*Season tickets are for regular-season home games ONLY (no playoff or away game entry)
*Ages 6+ must purchase ticket
*Girls tip off @ 5:30pm, boys approx 6:45pm
*GCS Student ID and Clear Bag policies in effect | Clear Bag FAQ's
*Cash purchase option also available at the gate
Sports Shorts
Important Northwood Athletics news below!
Northwood Middle School offers the following sports to 7th & 8th grade students: Girls' Volleyball (fall), Girls' & Boys' Basketball (winter), Girls' & Boys' Soccer (spring), Softball (spring), and Baseball (spring). If your student is interested in any sport NOT offered by Northwood, please contact the high school you are zoned for to inquire as to eligibility.
Northwood Spring Sports Game Schedule
GCS Policies in Effect at All Contests: Student ID Policy | Clear Bag Policy | Clear Bag FAQ's
For information on Northwood Athletics, Big Teams, and required forms, please visit the sites below:
Northwood Athletics Website
Athlete Participation Packet/Forms (all forms must be dated 4/1/2024 or later)
Questions? Contact Athletic Director, Allison Muriithi, at amuriithi@greenville.k12.sc.us or 864-355-7029
Northwood is Hiring!
We anticipate 2025-2026 openings in:
Math, Science, Mental Health Counselor, Special Education Aide, & Custodian
Interested applicants should send their résumé to Mr. Lee at tlee@greenville.k12.sc.us
Eastside High Cheerleading
If your student is a rising 7th-11th grader, zoned for Eastside High School, and interested in cheerleading, please note that there will be a mandatory interest meeting for parents & students interested in JV, Varsity, & Varsity competition cheer on Mon, March 24 @ 6:30pm in the Eastside Library. Cheer tryouts will be held May 1-5. Students can register for tryouts using the link in the eastsidecheerleading Instagram bio or Facebook page. Contact aamartin@greenville.k12.sc.us with additional questions.
ARMES Nominations Open
ARMES (Arts Reaching Middle & Elementary Schools) is a tuition-free, rigorous, artistically gifted & talented program for 3rd through 8th graders. Nominations for the 2025-26 school year are being accepted through Mon, March 31. Rising 3rd through 8th grade students may be nominated by a teacher, parent, adult or self.
Update Contact Info in Backpack
Attention Educational Decision Makers:
Please log into your Parent Backpack account and double-check the contacts you have listed for your student. Educational Decision Makers can add, remove, or edit contacts in Backpack. As a reminder, Parent Backpack allows parents/guardians to monitor their children’s grades, assignments, and attendance, and gives parents/guardians access to update the list of individuals who can pick up their student from school.
For Parent Backpack access questions, please contact our Registrar, Deborah Guion, at dguion@greenville.k12.sc.us or call 864-355-7013.
Is Your Address Up-To-Date?
As we are preparing for the next school year's registration, it is very important that we have your correct address information on file. This determines the school your student will attend. All address changes require proper documentation (two proofs of residency) to be presented to the school.
If you have moved or will be moving, please email our Registrar, Deborah Guion, at dguion@greenville.k12.sc.us or call 864-355-7013.