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See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.

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The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Assessment (SC READY) program is a statewide assessment designed to evaluate students in grades 3–8 in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics, as well as science for 4th grade. These tests measure student understanding of the South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards taught in ELA, math, and science classes.

Testing Schedule:

Tuesday, April 22: Writing (3rd Grade Only)
Thursday, April 24: Reading Part A (Grades 3rd–4th)
Friday, April 25: Reading Part B (Grades 3rd–4th)
Tuesday, April 29: Writing (Grades 4th-5th)
Thursday, May 1: Reading Part A (5th Grade Only)
Friday, May 2: Reading Part B (5th Grade Only)
Wednesday, May 4: Science (4th Grade Only)

Tuesday, May 13: Math (Grades 3rd-5th)

Testing will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. To provide the best possible testing environment, please ensure your child:

  • Arrives to school on time.
  • Gets plenty of sleep the night before.
  • Eats a healthy breakfast.




Superintendent and Sheriff ask Parents for Help on Reporting of Social Media Threats

The Superintendent and Sheriff ask parents to monitor your child’s social media accounts closely, help control the spread of false threats and misinformation, and ensure effective reporting occurs. Having your child follow the See Something, Say Something protocols by reporting potential threats directly to the school or law enforcement will maximize the effective use of both school and law enforcement resources and ultimately create a safer environment for all students.  

Superintendente y Sheriff piden ayuda a los padres para informar sobre amenazas en redes sociales

El Superintendente y el Sheriff piden a los padres que supervisen de cerca las cuentas de redes sociales de sus hijos, ayuden a controlar la difusión de amenazas falsas y desinformación, y se aseguren que se realicen los informes efectivos. Hacer que su hijo siga los protocolos de “Ves Algo, Di Algo” reportando amenazas potenciales directamente a la escuela o a las autoridades policiales maximizará el uso efectivo de los recursos escolares y de las autoridades policiales, y, en última instancia, creará un entorno más seguro para todos los estudiantes.

           Link to Full Statement in English and Spanish/Enlace a la declaración completa en inglés y español.

GCSD Logo with words GCSD Dress Code

Parent Backpack sign up announcement Greenville County Schools

Sign Up for Parent Backpack

Having a Parent Backpack account gives you access to your child’s grades and attendance,

as well as information from teachers, your principal, and the district!

Sign Up Link

Announcement Student Calendars   

GCS Student Calendars

Greenville County Schools has released the 2025-26 student calendar. Students will start the school year on Monday, August 11, 2025. The last day of school will be Friday, May 22, 2026. In accordance with state law, the calendar includes 180 scheduled instructional days and ten professional development/teacher workdays.


Greenville County Schools Student Calendars


Sign Up to Volunteer at Thomas E. Kerns!

All volunteers must receive district approval prior to volunteering at any school or chaperoning any school field trip.

It can take up to one month for approval so be sure to apply early.   Approvals last for two years, then will need to be renewed.

 Thomas E. Kerns Volunteer Information 

Volunteer Application Form

Transportation Request Forms with school bus

New Transportation Request Forms

Please download this form and either print it or complete it electronically, save it, and email it to your current assigned school. Paper forms are also available at each school.

Student Transportation Request Form 2024-2025

Nuevo formularios de solicitud de transporte Si necesita solicitar transporte, descargue este formulario e imprímalo o complételo electrónicamente, guárdelo y envíelo por correo electrónico a su escuela asignada actual. Los formularios impresos también están disponibles en cada escuela.

Formulario de Solicitud de Transporte Estudiantil 2024-2025

bell schedule with a TEK logo on the bell

School Day Bell Schedule

7:00am - Breakfast

7:30am - Classroom doors open

7:45am - School day begins & students must be in seats

2:15pm - Dismissal