News & Announcements
ACE Incentives
Parents/Guardians ๐ข
HMS is continuing our ACE Incentives to help motivate students to do their best during SCREADY State Testing in May! If students show up on testing day with a charged Chromebook, display appropriate conduct during the test, and are engaged with the test, then they will receive an ACE ticket for a reward to redeem at lunch.
We are asking for donations to be able to provide all of our ACE recipients with a treat at lunch. The quantities on the signup sheet have been calculated to serve around 1,000 students with Costco/Sam's sized bulk products. Ultimately, we need to have enough for each student to receive a treat each testing day.
Please have the items dropped off at the front office (and labeled ACE Incentives) by April 14th! We appreciate everything you do in supporting our students!
Reflections Winners
8th Grade Graduation Yard Signs
MySchool Bucks - Online Payment
Parents, you can now make payments for school related items ONLINE through My School Bucks! Whether you want to load their lunch account, pay a library fine, or purchase a new ID, it now can all be done through this online program. Click the image below to get started or review the parent guide for step-by-step instructions for setting up your account.
Caring. Committed. Connected.