Senior Spread
Attention seniors, if you haven't make sure you check out the Senior Spread for important dates and messages.
Seat Time Information
Please note, due to the inclement weather on 1/21 and 1/22 we have added two additional dates 1/27 and 1/29. You can find the information below on Seat Time for the 2024-2025 school year. Weekday times are 4pm-7pm and Saturday times are 8am-2pm.
Graduation Dates Announced
Greenville County Schools has released all of the high school graduation dates. Save the date for Greenville Senior High Academy's graduation on May 21st at 8:00am.
Greenville County Schools Graduation Dates
Exam Schedule
See the flyer below to find the most up to date Greenville Senior High Academy Exam Schedule. (Please note, we have not received our 2024-2025 graduation date and the spring exam schedule dates are subject to change based upon that date.)
2024-2025 Greenville County Schools Dress Code Policy
In an effort to increase alignment in discipline and dress code practices between schools and to provide more consistency and clarity for parents and students, we are providing the attached fliers for guidance on the new Greenville County Schools Dress Code
Dress Code Information (English)
Dress Code Information (Spanish)