August 16, 2016 eManagement Memo Archive
Welcome to eManagement Memo! Principals should read this weekly communications and respond as appropriate. This publication, in total, is for principals’ use only. Individual items may be shared with appropriate staff by selecting the desired text, right clicking, copying, and pasting into an e-mail. Links to documents are highlighted. If you have questions, contact Ginger Johnston at 355-8870.
First Annual Literacy Institute - Special Education Services would like to invite staff to attend our First Annual Literacy Institute. The Institute offers a series of seven sessions for any teacher or coach interested in learning more about how children learn to read and what tools and strategies to use when students struggle with literacy. Staff members who complete six of the seven sessions will receive a certificate of completion. The Institute also includes a four hour overview session for school administrators on using data to design targeted literacy instruction. The administrative session is offered three different times throughout the year. Please consider distributing the attached flyer to your staff.
Audience: Principals, Teachers, coaches. Contact: Laura O’Laughlin at 452-0097.
Fourth Annual Autism Institute - Special Education Services would like to invite teachers to attend our Fourth Annual Autism Institute. The Institute offers a series of 12 sessions targeted to help general and special education teachers meet the needs of students with autism. Each session is only 60 minutes long and offered at staggered times for elementary and secondary staff. Elementary sessions will occur from 3:15-4:15 p.m. and secondary sessions from 4:30-5:30 p.m. All sessions will be held at M.T. Anderson Support Center. Registration for individual sessions is available on the professional development portal. Staff members who complete 10 of the 12 sessions will receive a certificate of completion. Please consider distributing the attached flyer to your staff.
Audience: Principals, Teachers. Contact: Laura O’Laughlin at 452-0097.
End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) Courses Notification to Students - Per the SC Department of Education, SC regulation 43-262 mandates that the EOCEP courses (English 1, Algebra 1, Biology 1, and United States History and the Constitution) content standards be provided to students no later than the first day of instruction in the course. The regulation does not specify that the standards must be provided in paper format. Therefore, the standards may be provided in paper format or in electronic format, at the school’s discretion. The school must ensure that the students have access to the standards, regardless of the format. Additionally, students should be advised that the final examination for each gateway course will be based on the skills and content represented in the academic standards and the exam grade will count as 20 percent of the student’s final grade. Thank you in advance for sharing this information at your school level.
Audience: Middle and High School Principals. Contact: Testing, 355-2082.
OSHA Compliance - Hepatitis B vaccine is offered to Category 1 employees or those considered by the District OSHA guidelines as being High Risk for Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure. Please click HERE for a list of eligible categories of employees. To obtain Hepatitis B vaccines call Catherine A. Storey, RN, BSN 355-3171. Note: All Category 1 employees must have written verification of their Safe Schools BBP Training. Click HERE for instructions on Training of Category 1 employees.
Audience: All Employees. Contact: Catherine A. Storey, Health Services, 355-3171.
Retirement of Old Student Email System: As of October 1, 2016, the original student email system ending with the domain “” will be discontinued and student email accounts housed on that system will no longer be accessible. All students should now use the District’s Google (Gmail) email system ending with “” Please let the students at your location know that if they have emails in a “” account that they wish to retain, they should move them over to their “” Gmail account before Oct 1, 2016.
Audience: All Principals. Contact: Jim Alexander, ETS, 355-3136.
Wednesday, October 5 Influenza Vaccine at Central Office from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 11 Influenza Vaccine at M.T. Anderson Support Center from 2:30-5:30 p.m.
2016-17 Calendars: Employee, Student (Spanish)